Red state

Oh Noes! NYT Columnist Warns People All Over the World Will Die Because Trump Wants to ‘Break Things’ – RedState

Before we get started, let’s see a show of hands. Raise your hand if you think it’s way past time for public (taxpayer-supported) broadcasting (PBS and NPR) to go the way of the dinosaurs. 

Just as I thought: all hands, enthusiastically raised.  

Is there any doubt? Other than on the left, I mean. As NewsBusters Executive Editor Tim Graham wrote on Thursday in a column titled “NPR Is National Public Relations for the War on Trump”:

At the top of every hour, hundreds of taxpayer-subsidized National Public Radio stations in 50 states transmit leftist public relations, badly disguised as news. You can get talking points jammed in your ear on your rush-hour commute.

Nobody is allowed to question the concept of “systemic racism” on NPR. They’re deeply invested in that ideology. It’s why NPR favors describing race riots against cops as “rebellions.”

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