Red state

TikTokker Self-Incriminates, Draws Attention of US Attorney – RedState

My grandfather used to say, about some of the less… brainy residents of northern Linn County, Iowa, where he lived and farmed his whole life, that “…the engine’s running, but nobody’s driving.” Some folks make you wonder if the engine itself isn’t firing on all cylinders.

This brings us to a TikTok user, @sarahcroberts, who admits, on camera, that she has been dodging paying her taxes for eight years and, in the same rant, calls for the assassination of DOGE chief Elon Musk. As is so often the case, Libs of TikTok brings us the evidence; as the saying goes, let’s go to the videotape!

U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Ed Martin swooped in with a chuckle-inducing comment.

Mr. Martin is, of course, doing his job, and one doesn’t have to be a big fan of the IRS (honestly, who is?) to appreciate that, in this case, he will be initiating…

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