With Uncle Sam tightening his belt, federal department audits and overhauls taking place, and pink slips being handed out, organizations that are worried they are next to lose federal funding/support are lining up on Capitol Hill and/or burning up the phone lines in hopes of persuading lawmakers to fight on their behalf.
Among them is PBS, which has long been the target of Republican ire and attempts at defunding due to the blatantly biased nature of their programming, which is supposed to be neutral but more often than not comes across as a mouthpiece for Democrat agenda items and talking points.
With President Trump also pushing to defund PBS and their comrade in arms, NPR, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) paired up with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) to introduce the “Defund Government Sponsored Propaganda Act” in February, a bill they say would “prohibit federal funding…