News Busters

Inter-American Court Protects Preborn Life

Latin America is following the footsteps of the United States, reaffirming their support for human life.

The Federalist reports El Salvador’s ban on murdering pre-born babies was just upheld by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), a regional tribunal that enforces the American Convention on Human Rights, ratified by Mexico and many Caribbean and Central and South American countries. 

Abortion ideologues tried and failed to make the recent court caseBeatriz v. El Salvador into Latin America’s Roe v. Wade. 

Beatriz, a young Salvadoran woman with lupus, could not abort her child under her nation’s pro-life law. Her illness did not prevent her from being able to carry and deliver her baby girl, Leilany, according to the Federalist. But within only five hours after birth, a life-shortening disability took Leilany’s life. 


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