Hot Air

The Guy Behind the ‘Economic Blackout’ Was On the Sex-Offender’s Registry – HotAir

Last week I wrote about the planned “economic blackout” which was scheduled to take place on Friday. The idea was to hold a nationwide boycott for the entire day as a way to protest the system. The guy behind it was John Schwartz a Midwest meditation trainer who created a group called The People’s Union and announced his plan for the boycott on his social media accounts. Through a combination of luck and good timing he got a lot of attention from the media and celebrities. He gained about 200,000 followers and lots of people were planning to participate in his blackout.

Schwartz posted a bio on is group’s website but as the NY Times points out today, he left out something pretty significant. He has a record which includes serving time for a sex-related offense.

In 2007, Mr. Schwarz was sentenced by a Connecticut judge to 90 days in jail and five years’…

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