Once again, the CBS Evening News has decided to shine a victim spotlight on fired federal workers. This time, the focus is cast on the plight of a fired USAID worker.
Watch as CBS correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns does her level best to elicit sympathy for the dismissed worker (click “expand” to view transcript:
KATE SCAIFE: USAID saves lives.
CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS: That’s how you would have described your work?
SCAIFE: That’s right. We make America safer.
HUEY-BURNS: For the last two years, Kate Scaife’s job was to make thousands of humanitarian programs around the world run efficiently, a role she optimistically believed would match the priorities of the new administration.
SCAIFE: One of our senior leaders came up to me at one point, passed me in the hall and said, “be prepared to be the most popular girl in the room in a couple of…