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The Left’s Lurid Linguistic War on Women

Democrats are upset about President Donald Trump renaming the former Gulf of Mexico but want to replace the word “mother” with “inseminated person.” You can’t make this up.

The Left’s war on language has reached a new level of insanity, and this time, they’ve set their sights on one of the most sacred and fundamental institutions in human existence: motherhood.

In Wisconsin, Democrat Gov. Tony Evers and his administration are pushing to erase the word “mother” from official documents, replacing it with the sterile and dehumanizing term “inseminated person.”

If that sounds absurd to you, that’s because it is.

This isn’t just some minor bureaucratic change—it’s a deliberate and calculated attack on the very concept of family, gender, and biological reality. The Left has been waging this war for years, but now they’re saying the quiet…

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