Tuesday on ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos interviewed Stephen A. Smith of ESPN on his interview of disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who launched a comeback by running for mayor of New York City. Smith was ready to downplay the long trail of scandal and sleaze that had followed Cuomo, and extolled him as a fine leader and capable administrator who withstood the test of time and “knows how to get things done.”
Stephanopoulos summed up that “Cuomo was the governor of New York, forced out, and now trying to make a political comeback as mayor of New York City,” before asking Smith,“what’s your impression?”
Smith enthusiastically replied:
Well, my impression is that… he’s ready… [H]e believes he’s the man for the job. Obviously, he was a three-term governor for the state of New York, and, his…