News Busters

Shermichael Singleton Makes CNN Face Democrats’ ‘Pettiness’

In a refreshing turn of events on Wednesday, CNN was forced to sit and listen to some calm, level-headed, and fair commentary on actual news on their show, thanks to Republican advisor Shermichael Singleton. On News Central, Singleton broke up a routine CNN pity party when he offered some factually and contextually derived comments on President Trump’s address to Congress the previous night to counter the tired, empty vitriol and verbal abuse.

First, political analyst Maria Cardona offered some pretty standard CNN fare, as she fumed that Trump’s speech was:

In answer to this diatribe, Singleton reasonably pointed out that Cardona had said some things that were just not factually accurate, and the Democratic attendees that night had not exactly been paragons of grace and sportsmanship:

Whether his colleagues liked it or not, Singleton forced the conversation back to the reality of…

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