Hot Air

Pro-Hamas Students Take Over Barnard Library, Police Called In (Update) – HotAir

The pro-Hamas students at Barnard College are at it again. For those who missed the backstory, here it is. Last week this group, which is called CUAD, occupied an administrative building to protest the expulsion days earlier of two of their fellow activists. The expulsion was in response to a classroom disruption that happened on the first day of the semester. 

In an effort to get the school to reverse course on the expulsions, CUAD demanded a meeting with Barnard President Laura Ann Rosenbury. And after hours of chanting and drumming that disrupted classes in the building, they agreed to a meeting the following day. But that meeting never happened. President Rosenbury said she would only sit down with three representatives from the group if they removed their masks. They refused. And then she expelled another student over a building takeover that happened…

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