Hot Air

Federal Judge Blocks NYC’s Attempt to Get That $80M Back – HotAir


Things aren’t going so well in the ‘DONALD TRUMP CAN’T DO THAT!’ category, are they?

Three weeks ago, give or take a couple of days, the newly hatched and hungry raptors known as the DOGE boys were trotting in FEMA’s direction, and everyone who was a holdover in that bureau was breaking out in a cold sweat.



And for good reason. 

It didn’t take the little sharp-eyed, nimble-fingered programming geniuses to find a huge check that had just flown out the door to escape being nixed by the incoming Trump team and under the very nose of the temporary (and brand-new) FEMA director, former Navy SEAL Cameron Hamilton.

And by huge, I mean YUGE.

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