Red state

James Carville Tells Liberal Host Piers Morgan Men in Women’s Sports ‘Not a Concern,’ Gets Dunked – RedState

James Carville, Democrat strategist, Clinton creature, and supposedly one of the Democratic Party’s remaining moderates, went on Piers Morgan’s show on Friday and engaged the British liberal host on the issue of dudes in women’s sports, taking the stance that the issue was “not a concern.”

Morgan proceeded to defenestrate Carville.

“You know what I say about that and what you should say? If you’re concerned about the state track meet, please do something about it. We have an athletic association, they can do it,” Carville said. “But if … you more concerned about bathroom stalls, then hang out in bathrooms. This is not of a concern to me. There are people that can deal with this. I’m worried about the cost of living. I’m worried about access to healthcare.”

Morgan cut Carville off to disagree with him.

“I would dispute that. A lot of Democrats…

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