Hot Air

Adieu, Weepy Fidelito – Blarney Carney Is Canada’s New Prime Minister – HotAir

Oh, Canada – you guys are a trip.

Every last Canadian politician has been in the middle of sputtering in indignation and couldn’t wait to get to the next microphone surrounded by a press scrum to rail against Donald Trump.

Maybe even brag about how they pulled American liquor off shelves in a ‘We’ll show THEM Yanks‘ futile gesture since what was on the shelves was already bought and paid for and hurt no one but the merchants.

Canadian logic must be as frozen as their North.

Liberal Party Canadian politicians have been especially froggy because, as of March 9th, they weren’t gonna have THIS GUY to kick around anymore…and neither was Donald Trump.

It’s probably just as well for Fidelito because I think he was pretty much on his last nerve and soggy tissue anyway.

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