Red state

MSNBC Guest Claims ‘Strong Mainstream Nonpartisan’ Media Is Gone. She’s Right… for the WRONG Reason. – RedState

In this episode of “Bizarro World”…

One of the most bizarre and laughable claims the left can make was made by an MSNBC guest over the weekend. On Saturday’s “The Weekend” on MSNBC — which is peak Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids — “journalist” Molly Jong-Fast dropped the following gem (emphasis, mine): 

There is not the same strong mainstream non-partisan media there was in 2016. It is much, much, much smaller. So it has fallen on a lot of these Democrats — Democratic senators — to narrate what’s happening, to explain what they’ve seen in the last 7 weeks. And I’ve seen some Democrats do that. … If they don’t do it, no one else will.

Oh, Molly, bless your delusional heart.

While Jong-Fast is right— that a strong mainstream non-partisan media has vanished from America — she, like most Democrats, was right for the wrong reason. The…

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