News Busters

ARE YOU HIGH? NYT Claimed Trump Ruining Biden’s ‘Solid Economic Outlook’

It must have taken a hefty amount of acid dropping for the detached journos at The New York Times to psych themselves into believing the abject falsehood that President Joe Biden’s economy was just a booming spectacle of awesome.

Trump’s Policies Have Shaken a Once-Solid Economic Outlook,gaslighted economic reporters Ben Casselman and Colby Smith.

It didn’t take but one paragraph for the authors to go into a complete pro-Bidenomics slobbering session replete with rehashed talking points: “President Trump inherited an economy that was, by most conventional measures, firing on all cylinders.” The authors continued: “Wages, consumer spending and corporate profits were rising. Unemployment was low. The inflation rate, though higher than normal, was falling.”

Spot the deception yet? 

First, inflation was never “falling” and it’s…

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