News Busters

David Brooks, Nominal PBS Conservative, Agrees With Capehart 61% Of The Time

Every Friday, PBS News Hour devotes a segment to recapping the week’s news with New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart. Brooks is supposed to be the conservative half of the duo, but according to a new NewsBusters study, he agrees with Capehart 61 percent of the time. 

NewsBusters analysts examined eight Friday News Hour episodes in January and February and found that Brooks and Capehart agreed on 17 out of 28 topics where they were both asked the same question.

By contrast, the American Enterprise Institute’s Matthew Continetti disagreed with Capehart during his two chances when he pinch-hit for Brooks on February 7.

Sometimes, when Brooks agrees with Capehart, he sounds indistinguishable from his counterpart’s liberal hysteria. For instance, on February 28, Brooks claimed the White House’s…

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