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ACLU Suit Against Sending Illegals to Gitmo Should Be Thrown Out

Earlier this week, the Trump administration brought about 40 illegal aliens it had taken to the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a detention facility in Louisiana.

The reason behind the surprise move is unclear, but it likely has something to do with the lawsuit filed by the ACLU and others contesting the move to send aliens to Guantanamo in the first place. 

We should know more about the case once a federal judge in Washington hears arguments from both sides in the coming days. 

Some of the ACLU’s arguments lack merit, and even worse, one directly contradicts the position the ACLU took previously in a different Guantanamo case.

Some of the ACLU’s arguments are just untrue.

For example, an ACLU press release calls the detention facilities at Guantanamo “a remote, abusive prison” and a “site of grave human rights abuses” that have taken…

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