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Hilarious New Book Excerpt About Kamala and ‘Chairs’ Proves Just How Lucky Americans Are She Lost – RedState

Let’s face it. 

Kamala Harris was a lousy presidential candidate. Candidates often have flaws. Some are weak on policy. Some are weak on performance. Some are weak on presentation. But she was bad on all of those things. 

There’s a new book out that’s gives us a great example of the problems with Harris. 

According to an excerpt, Harris’ campaign insisted that she could only be seated in chairs that “met certain specifications”: 

An excerpt from “FIGHT: Inside the Wildest Battle for the White House,” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, published in The Hill, detailed the strict seating arrangements.

“Her team required that she be provided a chair that met certain specifications: ‘Leg height no less than 15 inches; floor to top of seat height no less than 18.9 inches; arms on chairs may not be very high, arms must fall at a natural height; chairs must…

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