Red state

Political Lessons From President George W. Bush (Part III) – RedState

[This is a continuation of my “Political Lessons From President George W. Bush” series, in which I discuss some political lessons Republicans could learn from the second term of President George W. Bush. Briefly, I believe that that it is important for a Republican president to avoid the second-term political collapse that happened to President Bush and that, to do so, a Republican president, e.g., Donald Trump, needs to follow a bifurcated strategy to keep his polling support up among both the GOP party base and with independents. You can read Part 1 and Part 2, here and here, respectively.] 

Surrendering on the Political Battlefield

One of President Bush’s biggest mistakes was his decision to cease fighting over important issues, which he did sometime after 2005.  This created a situation where the Democrats/MSM ran with constant slanders against him,…

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