Vanity Fair’s Willful Blindness Toward Women in Trump Admin
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Vanity Fair’s Willful Blindness Toward Women in Trump Admin

For a fresh look at how infantile, indolent, and insane the “Hate Trump” media have become, look no further than Olivia Campbell’s latest finger painting in Vanity Fair.

This masterpiece of anti-MAGA madness is headlined “Trump’s New Administration Is Anti-Woman—a Playbook from Nazi-Era Germany.” 

First things first: This headline writer should don a dunce cap and stand in the corner for the rest of the day. Why waste ink, kilobytes, and readers’ time with “Nazi-Era Germany” when “Nazi Germany” will suffice?

But that’s a journalistic parking ticket compared with Campbell. She speeds her vehicle through a red light and plows right into a fire hydrant.

Campbell claims that, under Trump, “Misogyny is an integral feature of our new federal government.” She adds: “As misogynist ideals invade the highest levels of government,…

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