Hot Air

Remember When My Party Knew How to Listen? – HotAir

And this time, it’s not James Carville! It is, however, one of his partners in the Clinton campaign, Doug Schoen, who writes to snap Democrats out of La Résistance 2.0 — Loser Boogaloo

Perhaps even Bill Clinton’s strategist simply understands the fact that Democrats lack any strategy at all these days. The results speak for themselves, as Schoen attempts to point out … on Fox News’s website. This could be the first symptom of the problem. Why hasn’t the architect of the Clinton victories and ‘triangulation’ found a place on traditional liberal platforms? 

We’ll get back to that momentarily, but Schoen spends time shooting fish in a rain barrel by pointing out the obvious:

First and foremost, there has to be recognition that, while the electorate does want fundamental change, it is not enough to say, “we need to stand up to Trump and demonstrate…

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