News Busters

‘I’ll Talk Slowly So Bloggers Can Understand’

Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 3-18-25 Pontificating from his privileged perch as an MSNBC host with a multi-million-dollar contract, Joe Scarborough loves to sneer and condescend to what he views as his journalistic inferiors: bloggers.

For years, Scarborough’s standard shtick was to brand bloggers as losers littered with Cheetos crumbs, living in their mother’s basement. As a NewsBusters blogger, that always offended me. My mother’s house didn’t have a basement. I lived in a loft in her garage. And Cheetos? No way. Pringles have always been my main food group.

Besides, not all bloggers were conservatives. What about the Daily Kos leftists? 

Scarborough was back at his supercilious worst on today’s Morning Joe. He repeatedly said that he would speak slowly so that bloggers could understand. His condescension came in the context of saying that federal judges do have the authority to enjoin…

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