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Dwarfs To Protest ‘Snow White’ After CGI Used Instead Of Actors

Little people actors said they will be protesting Disney studios after they opted to use CGI for the seven dwarfs instead of hiring them for the upcoming live-action remake of “Snow White” that hits theaters on March 21.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, actress Ali Chapman — who stands 3ft 8in tall — said ‘The whole point of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is right up there in the title.”

“The seven dwarfs were the stars of the original 1937 film which is a classic loved by millions of people,” she added. “Disney has made a live-action film and instead of giving seven talented little people the chance to shine they’ve scrapped us completely and used CGI instead.”

“It’s a total travesty and there are a lot of angry little people actors and actresses out there,” Chapman continued. “People are flying in from all over the world to tell Disney this isn’t…

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