Gavin Newsom’s Lies Have Become So Blatant, Not Even CNN Can Ignore Them – RedState
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Gavin Newsom’s Lies Have Become So Blatant, Not Even CNN Can Ignore Them – RedState

Gavin Newsom is trying to reinvent himself as a cuddly moderate just in time to run for president in 2028, but in the internet age, that’s not always so simple. Essentially everything the California governor has ever said is archived online, which is making it more difficult for him to blatantly lie to the American people. 

Still, he’s giving it the old college try. Newsom has recently started a podcast because his state is apparently in such great shape that he’s no longer needed full-time (yeah, that was sarcasm), and the purpose is to give him a platform to pretend he’s always been a sensible, middle-of-the-road politician.  

RELATED: Don’t Trust Gavin Newsom’s Attempt to Reach Out to the Right

For example, he recently claimed that he never used the made-up Spanish word “Latinx,” which was supposed to be more “gender inclusive.” He also said he believes…

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