2021: Filibusters are evil and a hinderance to progress.
2025: Filibusters are a great way to stop the GOP agenda.
Both those sentiments sums up the wildly varying attitude of New York magazine columnist Ed Kilgore. Although he hated Senate filibusters in 2021 he now loves them as a way to slow down or halt Trump’s legislative program. To get an idea of just how much Kilgore hated filibusters when the Democrats held the Senate, let us look look at his February 6, 2021 article, “What the Filibuster Has Cost America.”
There’s no way to add up all the costs associated with the filibuster over the decades, and it’s obviously harder to assess the bad legislation the dilatory tactic and its theoretical availability has prevented from enactment. Had Republicans been able to repeal Obamacare in 2017 via a straightforward piece of legislation rather than…