Last night, Matt Taibbi unleashed the third installment of the Twitter files. The main topic of this batch was the inside history of how Twitter wound up banning Donald Trump’s account, a process that involved a lot of hand-waving and “context,” rather than finding that Trump had actually violated any of Twitter’s rules for suppression. The majority of the thread once again didn’t tell us much that we hadn’t already suspected, but simply made it official. The management at Twitter hated Trump with a passion and they were obviously looking for an excuse to ban him after already having hit him with “reduced visibility” flags and other incidents of what Matt described as “subjective moderation.” I was initially disappointed in the topic selection because many of us had been waiting for some official confirmation of the government’s involvement in the censorship process. But whether it was intentional or not, Taibbi eventually slipped in some of the good stuff. The FBI was definitely involved and Yoel Roth mockingly admitted to trying to cover up the company’s interactions with the Bureau. First, here’s part of the internal debate over how to deal with the Bad Orange Man. (NY Post)Read More