Hot Air

George Santos can’t seem to explain his wealth

Following up on Ed’s earlier article, the odd story of New York’s latest Republican addition to the House GOP caucus continues to produce new wrinkles. We already covered the staggering list of things that congressman-elect George Santos apparently lied about on the campaign trail. Some observers haven’t seemed all that upset about this story because let’s face it… a report of a Washington politician telling lies is generally just another day ending in a Y. But beyond his false claims regarding his previous employment history and being “Jew-ish,” a deeper and potentially more problematic storyline is unfolding. Increased scrutiny is being applied to Santos’ campaign finance statements and a company he started in Florida shortly before announcing his candidacy to represent New York’s 3rd Congressional District. While nothing has been fully proven yet, the facts and figures just don’t seem to add up and there appears to be a distinct possibility that campaign finance violations may have taken place. (Semafor)Read More 

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