News Busters

Daily Show Demands Gun Control, ‘Give A Damn About Children’s Lives’

Twenty-six-year-old Rep. Maxwell Frost travelled over to Comedy Central’s The Daily Show on Tuesday for an interview temp host Sarah Silverman to discuss an assortment of left-wing goals, one of which was gun control with Frost urging people to vote for “morally just leaders who actually give a damn about children’s lives.”

Silverman began by telling Frost just how much she is in awe of him, “You have been, and I find this so impressive and inspiring, especially to people out here, you’ve been a gun reform advocate since you were 15 years-old. Spurred on by Sandy Hook, which was in Connecticut. You’re from Florida and you organized the March For Our Lives.”



Finally, getting around to a question, she then asked, “It’s the five-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting. There was a school shooting just last night at Michigan State. Now that you are in Congress, what do you think can be done? How can we break the cycle?”

For all the talk about Frost’s youth, he continued the old tradition of claiming that the only reason why major gun control legislation fails in Congress is because of the National Rifle Association:

The fact of the matter is we need a governing majority that it’s actually going to care about this issue and, you know, this word “bipartisanship” is supposed to mean what everyone can agree on. Most NRA members and Republicans are for universal background checks, but the definition of bipartisanship in Congress means what the NRA will allow, and because they’re a front for the gun lobby, they have these politicians bought off and they’re unwilling to stand for what the people want so we can’t get things like background checks passed and so there’s a lot of work that needs to be done.

As for that “work,” Frost went on to add, “A lot of it involves kicking people out and replacing them with morally just leaders who actually give a damn about children’s lives, but in the interim I think we have an opportunity.”

Still clinging to the idea that it is the NRA’s money and not its membership that would simply find another organization should the NRA cease to exist, Silverman and Frost then touched on what they thought was the real problem:

SILVERMAN: I mean, overturning Citizens United would certainly help with that. 

FROST: Yup, 100 percent, yup, that’s one of the issues to end all issues. 

SILVERMAN: Yeah, that’s the big one and that’s the root of so much of this.

The bad news for Frost and Silverman is that ordinary Second Amendment defenders are not about to entrust their rights to somebody who says they don’t give a damn about children’s lives.

This segment was sponsored by Popeyes.

Here is a transcript for the February 14 show:

Comedy Central The Daily Show


11:26 PM ET

SARAH SILVERMAN: You have been, and I find this so impressive and inspiring, especially to people out here, you’ve been a gun reform advocate since you were 15 years old.

Spurred on by Sandy Hook, which was in Connecticut. You’re from Florida and you organized the March For Our Lives. All these things that, you know,—

MAXWELL FROST: And I have my pin on too. 

SILVERMAN: It’s the five-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting. There was a school shooting just last night at Michigan State. Now that you are in Congress, what do you think can be done? How can we break the cycle? 

FROST: Yeah, well, we saw Congress pass a bipartisan bill to help end gun violence last year. It’s not everything that we need, but it’s a good step forward. The fact of the matter is we need a governing majority that it’s actually going to care about this issue and, you know, this word “bipartisanship” is supposed to mean what everyone can agree on. Most NRA members and Republicans are for universal background checks, but the definition of bipartisanship in Congress means what the NRA will allow, and because they’re a front for the gun lobby, they have these politicians bought off and they’re unwilling to stand for what the people want so we can’t get things like background checks passed and so there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. A lot of it involves kicking people out and replacing them with morally just leaders who actually give a damn about children’s lives, but in the interim I think we have an opportunity. 

SILVERMAN: I mean, overturning Citizens United would certainly help with that. 

FROST: Yup, 100 percent, yup, that’s one of the issues to end all issues. 

SILVERMAN: Yeah, that’s the big one and that’s the root of so much of this.

Twenty-six-year-old Rep. Maxwell Frost travelled over to Comedy Central’s The Daily Show on Tuesday for an interview temp host Sarah Silverman to discuss an assortment of left-wing goals, one of which was gun control with Frost urging people to vote for “morally just leaders who actually give a damn about children’s lives.”

Silverman began by telling Frost just how much she is in awe of him, “You have been, and I find this so impressive and inspiring, especially to people out here, you’ve been a gun reform advocate since you were 15 years-old. Spurred on by Sandy Hook, which was in Connecticut. You’re from Florida and you organized the March For Our Lives.”



Finally, getting around to a question, she then asked, “It’s the five-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting. There was a school shooting just last night at Michigan State. Now that you are in Congress, what do you think can be done? How can we break the cycle?”

For all the talk about Frost’s youth, he continued the old tradition of claiming that the only reason why major gun control legislation fails in Congress is because of the National Rifle Association:

The fact of the matter is we need a governing majority that it’s actually going to care about this issue and, you know, this word “bipartisanship” is supposed to mean what everyone can agree on. Most NRA members and Republicans are for universal background checks, but the definition of bipartisanship in Congress means what the NRA will allow, and because they’re a front for the gun lobby, they have these politicians bought off and they’re unwilling to stand for what the people want so we can’t get things like background checks passed and so there’s a lot of work that needs to be done.

As for that “work,” Frost went on to add, “A lot of it involves kicking people out and replacing them with morally just leaders who actually give a damn about children’s lives, but in the interim I think we have an opportunity.”

Still clinging to the idea that it is the NRA’s money and not its membership that would simply find another organization should the NRA cease to exist, Silverman and Frost then touched on what they thought was the real problem:

SILVERMAN: I mean, overturning Citizens United would certainly help with that. 

FROST: Yup, 100 percent, yup, that’s one of the issues to end all issues. 

SILVERMAN: Yeah, that’s the big one and that’s the root of so much of this.

The bad news for Frost and Silverman is that ordinary Second Amendment defenders are not about to entrust their rights to somebody who says they don’t give a damn about children’s lives.

This segment was sponsored by Popeyes.

Here is a transcript for the February 14 show:

Comedy Central The Daily Show


11:26 PM ET

SARAH SILVERMAN: You have been, and I find this so impressive and inspiring, especially to people out here, you’ve been a gun reform advocate since you were 15 years old.

Spurred on by Sandy Hook, which was in Connecticut. You’re from Florida and you organized the March For Our Lives. All these things that, you know,—

MAXWELL FROST: And I have my pin on too. 

SILVERMAN: It’s the five-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting. There was a school shooting just last night at Michigan State. Now that you are in Congress, what do you think can be done? How can we break the cycle? 

FROST: Yeah, well, we saw Congress pass a bipartisan bill to help end gun violence last year. It’s not everything that we need, but it’s a good step forward. The fact of the matter is we need a governing majority that it’s actually going to care about this issue and, you know, this word “bipartisanship” is supposed to mean what everyone can agree on. Most NRA members and Republicans are for universal background checks, but the definition of bipartisanship in Congress means what the NRA will allow, and because they’re a front for the gun lobby, they have these politicians bought off and they’re unwilling to stand for what the people want so we can’t get things like background checks passed and so there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. A lot of it involves kicking people out and replacing them with morally just leaders who actually give a damn about children’s lives, but in the interim I think we have an opportunity. 

SILVERMAN: I mean, overturning Citizens United would certainly help with that. 

FROST: Yup, 100 percent, yup, that’s one of the issues to end all issues. 

SILVERMAN: Yeah, that’s the big one and that’s the root of so much of this. 

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