Planning a trip to D.C.? The Smithsonian Museums are a sightseeing must, and you don’t want to miss these fascinating exhibits:
“Faking the Moon Landing” at the Air and Space Museum. Get the audio tour narrated by Elliot Gould – well worth it — and don’t leave without going a round or two with holographic Buzz Aldrin.
“Rachel Dolezal: The Struggle is Real-ish” at the Museum of African American History.
“The Trail of Tears Down My High Cheekbones: Elizabeth Warren and the Tragedy of the Cherokee Nation” at the National Museum of The American Indian. (Tip: take a break at the museum cafe, “Pow Wow Chow.” Try the Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing.
Just kidding. That’s just some dopy satire. Or is it? I wouldn’t put it past the Smithsonian after learning about the plans for its new American Women’s History Museum.
Tim Meads at The Daily Wire notes that:
Interim director Lisa Sasaki told The New York Times that “transgender women” — AKA men pretending to be women — will be included in the potential new museum which has already received millions in funding because its “inclusivity” defines what the homage to American women is all about.
“From the DNA of this museum,” Sasaki said, “there has been a desire to be inclusive.”
Yes, but what about the chromosomes? Oh, never mind.
The museum, though it’s raised $55 million from big-name donors, doesn’t have a brick and mortar home yet. But Meads found some edifying content on its website:
It features the likes of “Sylvia Rivera” who co-founded “the militant group and youth shelter STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries).” A search for conservative icon and actual woman Phyllis Schlafly yields nothing.
As Meads details, Sasaki is a queer-obsessed social justice drone who’s been using the Smithsonian to create exhibits of great interest to Sasaki. With her at the helm, the women’s museum never had a chance to be of much use to anybody else.
So, ladies, if you were looking forward to your own history museum, you’re out of luck again. But enjoy the Rachel Levine exhibit!
Planning a trip to D.C.? The Smithsonian Museums are a sightseeing must, and you don’t want to miss these fascinating exhibits:
“Faking the Moon Landing” at the Air and Space Museum. Get the audio tour narrated by Elliot Gould – well worth it — and don’t leave without going a round or two with holographic Buzz Aldrin.
“Rachel Dolezal: The Struggle is Real-ish” at the Museum of African American History.
“The Trail of Tears Down My High Cheekbones: Elizabeth Warren and the Tragedy of the Cherokee Nation” at the National Museum of The American Indian. (Tip: take a break at the museum cafe, “Pow Wow Chow.” Try the Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing.
Just kidding. That’s just some dopy satire. Or is it? I wouldn’t put it past the Smithsonian after learning about the plans for its new American Women’s History Museum.
Tim Meads at The Daily Wire notes that:
Interim director Lisa Sasaki told The New York Times that “transgender women” — AKA men pretending to be women — will be included in the potential new museum which has already received millions in funding because its “inclusivity” defines what the homage to American women is all about.
“From the DNA of this museum,” Sasaki said, “there has been a desire to be inclusive.”
Yes, but what about the chromosomes? Oh, never mind.
The museum, though it’s raised $55 million from big-name donors, doesn’t have a brick and mortar home yet. But Meads found some edifying content on its website:
It features the likes of “Sylvia Rivera” who co-founded “the militant group and youth shelter STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries).” A search for conservative icon and actual woman Phyllis Schlafly yields nothing.
As Meads details, Sasaki is a queer-obsessed social justice drone who’s been using the Smithsonian to create exhibits of great interest to Sasaki. With her at the helm, the women’s museum never had a chance to be of much use to anybody else.
So, ladies, if you were looking forward to your own history museum, you’re out of luck again. But enjoy the Rachel Levine exhibit!