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San Franciscans ask when AI will kill us all

The subject in the title seems to be growing in popularity rather than fading from the headlines. All of the conversations taking place about artificial intelligence and the new generation of chatbots seem to eventually veer off into worst-case scenarios. Is the AI sentient? If not, will it become sentient on its own and will we realize when it’s happening? These are on the minds of people in San Francisco and Silicon Valley in particular, which probably makes sense. And now there is a new “pop-up museum” in San Francisco called the Misalignment Museum, currently on display in the Mission District. It deals exclusively with the possibility of humans developing an AGI or “artificial general intelligence.” That’s the next level of AI beyond what we have now and it would essentially be individually intelligent and capable of reason and original thought. CNBC interviewed the curator of the museum, Audrey Kim, and she seems to take the question seriously.Read More 

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  1. Natalyt says:

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