I’m just going to warn you upfront that there is some very disturbing content coming your way here, so if you tend to become queasy you might want to give this a pass. The story that’s been going viral on social media this week involves Jazz Jennings, the transgender star of the reality TV series “I am Jazz.” He was pushed into “transitioning” to be a girl by his mother at the age of five or six and went through all of the steps associated with that process as a child. Cross-dressing led to hormones. He was put on puberty blockers for most of his life, leading to full genital mutilation surgery before he was even an adult. And now, in a video clip where he’s talking to his mother, he tearfully confesses, “I don’t feel like me ever.” (PJ Media)Read More
Very well written! The points discussed are highly relevant. For further exploration, I recommend visiting: LEARN MORE. Keen to hear everyone’s opinions!