Hot Air

Revisiting the presidential age limit idea

Over at PJ Media this morning, our colleague Stephen Kruiser published his morning newsletter with the title, “Biden Makes Best Case Yet for Presidential Age Limit.” (You can subscribe to that newsletter here and it’s free.) After a long walk down memory lane with Joe Biden’s various shortcomings and awful behavior, Kruiser gets to the meat of the issue. Various proposals have been made about age limits for the Presidency, and there is little question among any honest observer that Joe Biden would indeed be the poster child for such an idea. His failures in office have been many, but his seeming cognitive failures on the world stage have likely made our adversaries far less afraid of the United States with many examples of the obvious results showing up in the headlines on a daily basis. Here is the summary as to why either an age limit or at least some sort of cognitive test would be an idea worthy of consideration.Read More 

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