In case you’ve been living under a rock, yesterday, March 31, was proclaimed to be Transgender Day of Visibility. This apparently started back in 2010, though I don’t recall hearing about it until this year. It is, perhaps, somehow appropriate that they assigned this holiday to fall the day before April Fools Day, but that’s a debate for another time. There was some confusion over the name because a group of trans activists had also declared March 31st to be the “transgender day of vengeance.” (That wound up being canceled at the last minute, apparently when people noticed it and started talking about it on social media.) In case you found yourself wondering how you should properly “celebrate” the day, CNN enlisted the aid of Allison Hope (whose pronoun is “agnostic) to instruct you on what you must do. Mind you, this isn’t what you “should” do. These are your marching orders and Hope repeats the word “must” over and over again.Read More