Governor Ron Desantis (R-Fla.) and Florida Republicans are currently in the process of pushing one of the most pro-life bills in our country. The bill would make abortion illegal after the six-week mark of a woman’s pregnancy.
The bill made pro-abort activists were livid and sparked fury inside of the Fla. courthouse. As MSNBC reporter, Dasha Burns indicated, things were getting “heated.”
Women, men, and anyone in-between were screaming at the top of their lungs in protest. As MSNBC called it however, they were just “demonstrators” who didn’t support the bill. That outlet also pointed out that numerous Democratic house members left the house floor to stand in solidarity with the “demonstrators” in protest of the pro-life bill.
Florida House Democrats join protest against 6 week abortion bill taking place right outside the House chamber (they’ve since returned back to the chamber). Republicans have rejected every amendment Dems have introduced this morning.
— Mitch Perry (@MitchPerry18) April 13, 2023
Burns and reporter Laura Jarrett also consistently called the bill a “restriction” on abortion instead of a pro-life bill. It’s obvious which side they lean towards!
Over on Twitter videos of the “demonstrators” went viral. Here’s a post from Florida Planned Parenthood Action with a video of what looked like a cultish circle of abortion activists.
FL House cleared the gallery because the public, who got 30 seconds or 15 seconds in committee to speak on this bill, continue to express their opposition from the gallery
Lawmakers have joined the public in singing Lean on Me outside of the Florida House
We are all we’ve got.
— Florida Planned Parenthood Action (@PPactionFL) April 13, 2023
In opposition of the bill, state Democrats filed more than 50 amendments to try to skirt the rules, and it was almost comic to watch them be presented and then shot down, one after the other. Most of the objections were silly and desperate. “A woman needs more time to travel” this is the most “cruel and unusual” ban and things like abortions should be legal if a woman’s “religion” permits her to abort. What the hell kinda religion is that?
At the debate, protestors also threw paper down onto the Florida House Floor. I’m sure that was really effective in proving their point.
BREAKING: Activists throw paper onto Florida House lawmakers during abortion debate, amendment voting
“Sergeant, would you please secure the chamber and remove the gallery?”
— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) April 13, 2023
Time will tell what happens in Florida tonight but it’s no doubt that the left will be pissed either way.
Governor Ron Desantis (R-Fla.) and Florida Republicans are currently in the process of pushing one of the most pro-life bills in our country. The bill would make abortion illegal after the six-week mark of a woman’s pregnancy.
The bill made pro-abort activists were livid and sparked fury inside of the Fla. courthouse. As MSNBC reporter, Dasha Burns indicated, things were getting “heated.”
Women, men, and anyone in-between were screaming at the top of their lungs in protest. As MSNBC called it however, they were just “demonstrators” who didn’t support the bill. That outlet also pointed out that numerous Democratic house members left the house floor to stand in solidarity with the “demonstrators” in protest of the pro-life bill.
Florida House Democrats join protest against 6 week abortion bill taking place right outside the House chamber (they’ve since returned back to the chamber). Republicans have rejected every amendment Dems have introduced this morning.
— Mitch Perry (@MitchPerry18) April 13, 2023
Burns and reporter Laura Jarrett also consistently called the bill a “restriction” on abortion instead of a pro-life bill. It’s obvious which side they lean towards!
Over on Twitter videos of the “demonstrators” went viral. Here’s a post from Florida Planned Parenthood Action with a video of what looked like a cultish circle of abortion activists.
FL House cleared the gallery because the public, who got 30 seconds or 15 seconds in committee to speak on this bill, continue to express their opposition from the gallery
Lawmakers have joined the public in singing Lean on Me outside of the Florida House
We are all we’ve got.
— Florida Planned Parenthood Action (@PPactionFL) April 13, 2023
In opposition of the bill, state Democrats filed more than 50 amendments to try to skirt the rules, and it was almost comic to watch them be presented and then shot down, one after the other. Most of the objections were silly and desperate. “A woman needs more time to travel” this is the most “cruel and unusual” ban and things like abortions should be legal if a woman’s “religion” permits her to abort. What the hell kinda religion is that?
At the debate, protestors also threw paper down onto the Florida House Floor. I’m sure that was really effective in proving their point.
BREAKING: Activists throw paper onto Florida House lawmakers during abortion debate, amendment voting
“Sergeant, would you please secure the chamber and remove the gallery?”
— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) April 13, 2023
Time will tell what happens in Florida tonight but it’s no doubt that the left will be pissed either way.
An excellent article that kept me engaged from start to finish! The blend of facts and storytelling was spot on. Im excited to discuss this further with anyone interested. Click on my nickname if youd like to explore more related content and discussions!