When MSNBC’s bias isn’t far-left enough for you, that tells you all you need to know about how out of touch with reality that person is. Such was the case on Sunday’s Inside With Jen Psaki when former Biden press secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki interviewed Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders about the news of the week and his new book “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism” which the hypocritical Socialist is selling on Amazon for $17.89. Things quickly got heated from there.
Psaki kicked off the testy exchange by asking Sanders why he decided to write a book trashing capitalism: “Of all the things voters are angry about and there are many, abortion, the lack of progress on gun reform, even Clarence Thomas’s questionable relationship with a billionaire. I know how you feel about billionaires. Why should capitalism be at the top of that list why was that important to be in the title of that book?”
While Psaki’s list of other topics people should be “angry about” was simply a hodgepodge of leftist outrages of the week, her underlying question was legitimate. There are a lot of issues in the country that need to be solved and capitalism isn’t anywhere near the top of the list.
Of course, Sanders just wanted to be sucked up to and greatly resented someone even meekly challenging his pro-socialist/communist agenda. He predictably got nasty and melted down:
Jen, what’s important–abortion is a huge issue. Social justice is a huge issue. But you, know sometimes the corporate media forgets about it and Congress forgets about it. You and I were chatting today. You know that there are tens and tens of millions of Americans who cannot afford health care who are scared to death that if their kid or their parent gets sick they don’t know what’s going to happen. There are people working for starvation wages. There are moms who can’t afford to send their kids to decent childcare. Can’t even find a slot! Those are issues of enormous consequence, we don’t talk about. You tell me! We’ve got three people on top today, who own more wealth than the bottom half of American society. Is that an issue we should be talking about? Does that sound like we have an economy that works for all of us? Or just the few? Is that an issue worth discussing?
After Sanders demanded to know why MSNBC and other corporate media outlets weren’t screaming like a demented homeless person about his socialist priorities as he does every day, Psaki shot back that “we’re talking about it now, Senator.” She then tried to ask Sanders about Biden’s nominee for Labor Secretary, but Sanders wouldn’t let the subject go.
The socialist curmudgeon then demanded to “talk about income and wealth inequality.”
“Let’s talk about concentration of ownership– let’s talk about corporate ownership of the media do you think that those are issues worth discussing? Sanders nastily asked.
Psaki once again responded, “I have you on today we are having a conversation about all of these issues.”
This entire segment was absurd on its face. The fact that Psaki and other hosts on MSNBC aren’t carrying the Democrat Party’s water is a laughable claim. The fact that Psaki wasn’t talking to Sanders about his obsession with confiscating the wealth of rich people at the current moment he was on with her doesn’t mean she’s not in the tank for the left’s Anti-American agenda. She obviously is.
Sadly, the Democrat Party wants complete and total subservience from the media. They one time they don’t get a complete foot massage, they melt down like children.
This segment was made possible by Progressive. Their information is linked.
To read the transcript click “expand”:
MSNBC’s Inside With Jen Psaki
12:11:28 p.m. Eastern
JEN PSAKI: The title of your, book It’s ‘Okay to be Angry about Capitalism’ really did sit with me it is a memorable book title, Senator. Of all the things voters are angry about and there are many, abortion, the lack of progress on gun reform, even Clarence Thomas’s questionable relationship with a billionaire. I know how you feel about billionaires. Why should capitalism be at the top of that list why was that important to be in the title of that book?
SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: Jen, what’s important–abortion is a huge issue. Social justice is a huge issue. But you, know sometimes the corporate media forgets about it and Congress forgets about it. You and I were chatting today. You know that there are tens and tens of millions of Americans who cannot afford health care who are scared to death that if their kid or their parent gets sick they don’t know what’s going to happen. There are people working for starvation wages. There are moms who can’t afford to send their kids to decent childcare. Can’t even find a slot! Those are issues of enormous consequence, we don’t talk about. You tell me! We’ve got three people on top today, who own more wealth than the bottom half of American society. Is that an issue we should be talking about? Does that sound like we have an economy that works for all of us? Or just the few? Is that an issue worth discussing?
PSAKI: We’re talking about it now, Senator. So I’m happy to have you on. I wanted to ask you about President Biden—I did want to ask you sir, about President Biden’s nomination of Julie Su for the Labor Department Secretary.
SANDERS: And I love Julie. I love Julie. We are gonna do our best to get—but let us talk about income and wealth inequality. Let’s talk about concentration of ownership– let’s talk about corporate ownership of the media do you think that those are issues worth discussing?
PSAKI: Well, Senator, I have you on today we are having a conversation about all of these issues. I did want to ask you about this because you are chairman of this committee. It is important to have a Labor Secretary in, place right?
When MSNBC’s bias isn’t far-left enough for you, that tells you all you need to know about how out of touch with reality that person is. Such was the case on Sunday’s Inside With Jen Psaki when former Biden press secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki interviewed Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders about the news of the week and his new book “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism” which the hypocritical Socialist is selling on Amazon for $17.89. Things quickly got heated from there.
Psaki kicked off the testy exchange by asking Sanders why he decided to write a book trashing capitalism: “Of all the things voters are angry about and there are many, abortion, the lack of progress on gun reform, even Clarence Thomas’s questionable relationship with a billionaire. I know how you feel about billionaires. Why should capitalism be at the top of that list why was that important to be in the title of that book?”
While Psaki’s list of other topics people should be “angry about” was simply a hodgepodge of leftist outrages of the week, her underlying question was legitimate. There are a lot of issues in the country that need to be solved and capitalism isn’t anywhere near the top of the list.
Of course, Sanders just wanted to be sucked up to and greatly resented someone even meekly challenging his pro-socialist/communist agenda. He predictably got nasty and melted down:
Jen, what’s important–abortion is a huge issue. Social justice is a huge issue. But you, know sometimes the corporate media forgets about it and Congress forgets about it. You and I were chatting today. You know that there are tens and tens of millions of Americans who cannot afford health care who are scared to death that if their kid or their parent gets sick they don’t know what’s going to happen. There are people working for starvation wages. There are moms who can’t afford to send their kids to decent childcare. Can’t even find a slot! Those are issues of enormous consequence, we don’t talk about. You tell me! We’ve got three people on top today, who own more wealth than the bottom half of American society. Is that an issue we should be talking about? Does that sound like we have an economy that works for all of us? Or just the few? Is that an issue worth discussing?
After Sanders demanded to know why MSNBC and other corporate media outlets weren’t screaming like a demented homeless person about his socialist priorities as he does every day, Psaki shot back that “we’re talking about it now, Senator.” She then tried to ask Sanders about Biden’s nominee for Labor Secretary, but Sanders wouldn’t let the subject go.
The socialist curmudgeon then demanded to “talk about income and wealth inequality.”
“Let’s talk about concentration of ownership– let’s talk about corporate ownership of the media do you think that those are issues worth discussing? Sanders nastily asked.
Psaki once again responded, “I have you on today we are having a conversation about all of these issues.”
This entire segment was absurd on its face. The fact that Psaki and other hosts on MSNBC aren’t carrying the Democrat Party’s water is a laughable claim. The fact that Psaki wasn’t talking to Sanders about his obsession with confiscating the wealth of rich people at the current moment he was on with her doesn’t mean she’s not in the tank for the left’s Anti-American agenda. She obviously is.
Sadly, the Democrat Party wants complete and total subservience from the media. They one time they don’t get a complete foot massage, they melt down like children.
This segment was made possible by Progressive. Their information is linked.
To read the transcript click “expand”:
MSNBC’s Inside With Jen Psaki
12:11:28 p.m. Eastern
JEN PSAKI: The title of your, book It’s ‘Okay to be Angry about Capitalism’ really did sit with me it is a memorable book title, Senator. Of all the things voters are angry about and there are many, abortion, the lack of progress on gun reform, even Clarence Thomas’s questionable relationship with a billionaire. I know how you feel about billionaires. Why should capitalism be at the top of that list why was that important to be in the title of that book?
SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: Jen, what’s important–abortion is a huge issue. Social justice is a huge issue. But you, know sometimes the corporate media forgets about it and Congress forgets about it. You and I were chatting today. You know that there are tens and tens of millions of Americans who cannot afford health care who are scared to death that if their kid or their parent gets sick they don’t know what’s going to happen. There are people working for starvation wages. There are moms who can’t afford to send their kids to decent childcare. Can’t even find a slot! Those are issues of enormous consequence, we don’t talk about. You tell me! We’ve got three people on top today, who own more wealth than the bottom half of American society. Is that an issue we should be talking about? Does that sound like we have an economy that works for all of us? Or just the few? Is that an issue worth discussing?
PSAKI: We’re talking about it now, Senator. So I’m happy to have you on. I wanted to ask you about President Biden—I did want to ask you sir, about President Biden’s nomination of Julie Su for the Labor Department Secretary.
SANDERS: And I love Julie. I love Julie. We are gonna do our best to get—but let us talk about income and wealth inequality. Let’s talk about concentration of ownership– let’s talk about corporate ownership of the media do you think that those are issues worth discussing?
PSAKI: Well, Senator, I have you on today we are having a conversation about all of these issues. I did want to ask you about this because you are chairman of this committee. It is important to have a Labor Secretary in, place right?
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