News Busters

Jersey City Marathon Includes ‘Non-Binary’ Division

The minuscule number of non-binary distance runners was statistically irrelevant, but this tiny group of individuals got their own division Sunday in the first running of the Jersey City Marathon & Half-Marathon.  

Non-binary running divisions are the new in-thing in running. It’s further evidence of the radical Left yielding to the LGBT agenda and attempting to blur the two genders via sports events. Media like Runners World magazine, L’Agence France-Presse and others have rushed to the support of non-binary recognition (see photo of the last NYC Marathon). 

Fourteen “non-binary” people were among the some 6,300 participants in Sunday’s race – 10 of them in the marathon and the other four in the half marathon. The fact that they enjoyed their own category created especially fo them is an incredibly ridiculous level of bowing to the LGBTQ mob, because the percentage of non-binary people on the racecourse amounted to 0.002 percent of the total number of participants. 

Division winners in the marathon earned $5,000 prizes, and winners in the half-marathon won $1,000. Think about how hard it was for thousands of male and female division runners to win prize money, compared to how easy it was for those in the lightly contested non-binary races. Fairness was not on the table. 

Think about this as well: unfairness is built into the non-binary division because it has the potential to pit biological males against females within that grouping. 

This race was also a qualifier for next year’s Boston Marathon, and signals just how far sporting events will go to please the almighty alphabet crowd.  

Related: 10 Years Since Bombing, Patriot’s Day Shows Americans Won’t Be Defeated | Newsbusters 

John Prizzi, a so-called non-binary runner with a masculine name, won the non-binary marathon division in Jersey City. Don’t be fooled the male name; we are supposed to believe he is not part of the male gender. 

Jersey City’s decision to include a nonbinary division with equal reward money originated from the race organizers’ “love for people, our respect for people,” said race director Steve Lipski. 

The non-binary ploy by Jersey City marathon got the desired result, too. It “received kudos from Garden State Equality, the state’s largest LGBTQIA organization,” the New York Post reports. 

Far across the Atlantic Ocean, the London Marathon also stooped to the same foolishness. On Sunday, that race featured a non-binary registration option for general participants. 

The New York City Marathon previously announced its non-binary division allows runners to compete as their “authentic self.” 

According to Runner’s World magazine, the non-binary nonsense is spreading throughout the sport of distance running, especially on the U.S. East Coast. Can the Olympics be far behind? 

The minuscule number of non-binary distance runners was statistically irrelevant, but this tiny group of individuals got their own division Sunday in the first running of the Jersey City Marathon & Half-Marathon.  

Non-binary running divisions are the new in-thing in running. It’s further evidence of the radical Left yielding to the LGBT agenda and attempting to blur the two genders via sports events. Media like Runners World magazine, L’Agence France-Presse and others have rushed to the support of non-binary recognition (see photo of the last NYC Marathon). 

Fourteen “non-binary” people were among the some 6,300 participants in Sunday’s race – 10 of them in the marathon and the other four in the half marathon. The fact that they enjoyed their own category created especially fo them is an incredibly ridiculous level of bowing to the LGBTQ mob, because the percentage of non-binary people on the racecourse amounted to 0.002 percent of the total number of participants. 

Division winners in the marathon earned $5,000 prizes, and winners in the half-marathon won $1,000. Think about how hard it was for thousands of male and female division runners to win prize money, compared to how easy it was for those in the lightly contested non-binary races. Fairness was not on the table. 

Think about this as well: unfairness is built into the non-binary division because it has the potential to pit biological males against females within that grouping. 

This race was also a qualifier for next year’s Boston Marathon, and signals just how far sporting events will go to please the almighty alphabet crowd.  

Related: 10 Years Since Bombing, Patriot’s Day Shows Americans Won’t Be Defeated | Newsbusters 

John Prizzi, a so-called non-binary runner with a masculine name, won the non-binary marathon division in Jersey City. Don’t be fooled the male name; we are supposed to believe he is not part of the male gender. 

Jersey City’s decision to include a nonbinary division with equal reward money originated from the race organizers’ “love for people, our respect for people,” said race director Steve Lipski. 

The non-binary ploy by Jersey City marathon got the desired result, too. It “received kudos from Garden State Equality, the state’s largest LGBTQIA organization,” the New York Post reports. 

Far across the Atlantic Ocean, the London Marathon also stooped to the same foolishness. On Sunday, that race featured a non-binary registration option for general participants. 

The New York City Marathon previously announced its non-binary division allows runners to compete as their “authentic self.” 

According to Runner’s World magazine, the non-binary nonsense is spreading throughout the sport of distance running, especially on the U.S. East Coast. Can the Olympics be far behind?  

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