News Busters

Scarborough Eyes Disaffected-Male Vote to Combat Hawley Outreach

On Thursday’s Morning Joe, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had a monumental moment of clarity. In a stunning move, he called for a total reversal of the left’s viewpoint on men and masculinity. The woke left has almost been allergic to the idea of saying anything positive about men and masculinity, but Scarborough realized something important- how will the left win elections and hold onto their precious political power if they isolate and attack the very people they expect to vote for them?

Scarborough pointed out, correctly, that men in today’s world face a myriad of issues, including isolation and loneliness:

And, Mika, we’ve seen the numbers. You and I have talked about it a lot. The numbers are so frightening. 60%, a recent Pew study showed 60% of young men are single. That’s twice the rate of young women. You look at the graduation rates from high school. You look at the graduation rates from college …  Young men are falling off a cliff. They are disillusioned. They are more isolated than ever before.



Hardcore liberal media, after years of radical feminism, is now trying to look out for young men? Did they have some kind of conversion? The answer is a bit more mundane. Scarborough’s point became that people like Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Steve Bannon should not be allowed to help men.

“The Democrats shouldn’t just leave to people like Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon, the Democrats should see – you can see two crises at once, right? So if you talk about the crisis of manhood, if you talk about the crisis of young boys, the crisis of young men, as you have done for so many years,” he proclaimed.

For his description of how Republicans were addressing the issue, Scarborough suggested the right was preying on young men and luring them to a life of extremism:

You know, the message from-from these people start out fairly positive, which is, you know, get out of your rooms. Get off of your screens. Get outside. Exercise, make something of yourself. And that’s the first part of the message. And anybody that has seen what’s happened to boys, young men over the past 15 years, would say, “great message,” but then it turns dark to misogyny and bigotry … and are trying to push them in a more radical direction.

Make no mistake, Scarborough was correct that the left had abandoned men to its own political detriment. But, this cry is likely to fall on deaf ears. Why would men accept liberal ideology and wokeness when they have never cared about the well-being of men before? And, as Scarborough admitted, they’re only now are getting motivated to address the issues men face for the “cynical purposes” of getting votes so they can stay in power politically.

Joe Scarborough’s cynical election plan was sponsored by Allstate and Ensure. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


7:35 AM ET


JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, it has and there’s a reason why politicians are talking about it, at least politicians on the right. Because by one measurement after another, young men actually are in a state of crisis. And as Will points out-


SCARBOROUGH: – it’s only the Republicans right now that seem to notice this. So, Will, let’s talk about how Republicans, not just Republicans, but also what-what I see all the time when-when I go online. I’ve got three boys and – of varying ages, so I’ve kind of seen this moving. You know, the message from-from these people start out fairly positive, which is, you know, get out of your rooms. Get off of your screens. Get outside. Exercise, make something of yourself. And that’s the first part of the message. And anybody that has seen what’s happened to boys, young men over the past 15 years, would say, “great message,” but then it turns dark to misogyny and bigotry. Talk about, politically, why people like Steve Bannon have identified this group and are trying to push them in a more radical direction. 


7:37 AM

SCARBOROUGH: And so, Reverend Al, I’m going to go to you. I know you have a question for Will, but this is something that Will points out. The Democrats shouldn’t just leave to people like Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon, the Democrats should see – you can see two crises at once, right? So if you talk about the crisis of manhood, if you talk about the crisis of young boys, the crisis of young men, as you have done for so many years, Rev., that doesn’t mean women aren’t facing misogyny. That doesn’t mean women aren’t facing their own challenges either and there’s been almost this zero-sum game, if you talk about men, then you’re supporting toxic masculinity and into this void have come people like Hawley and people like Bannon. There is a massive crisis among young men. You look at the numbers, and it seems to be growing by the year. What are some effective ways for people other than these far-right political profiteers, what are some of the ways to help young men?


7:43 AM

SCARBOROUGH: Well, I mean, that’s actually the whole purpose of this article and also of this segment, Mika, which is, don’t cede the field to Josh Hawley. 


SCARBOROUGH: Don’t do that by saying that a young man is toxic because he’s a young man. Don’t say that he’s born with the sins of thousands of years of other men because he is a young man. I mean, you don’t say that masculinity is a bad thing, that it is automatically toxic. I mean, it’s just — it’s been — and, again, if people don’t want to do it for the right reason, and if people are so messed up in their head that they don’t think they can worry about young women and young men at the same time, well, then do it for cynical purposes. Because you’re giving over an entire generation of young men to the likes of Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon. And, Mika, we’ve seen the numbers. 


You and I have talked about it a lot. The numbers are so frightening. Sixty percent, a recent Pew study showed 60 percent of young men are single. That’s twice the rate of young women. You look at the graduation rates from high school. You look at the graduation rates from college. 


SCARBOROUGH: Young men falling off a cliff. They are disillusioned. They are more isolated than ever before. And this is what powers extremism. And I’ll take it a step further. This is what — this is what fuels fascism ultimately. So, why not engage everybody? Why not, as Will’s article says in a very thoughtful way, prove that we can do two things at once? And that’s something right now we’re not doing. People have been afraid to say what Claire just said, that masculinity is not bad, manhood is not bad. 


On Thursday’s Morning Joe, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had a monumental moment of clarity. In a stunning move, he called for a total reversal of the left’s viewpoint on men and masculinity. The woke left has almost been allergic to the idea of saying anything positive about men and masculinity, but Scarborough realized something important- how will the left win elections and hold onto their precious political power if they isolate and attack the very people they expect to vote for them?

Scarborough pointed out, correctly, that men in today’s world face a myriad of issues, including isolation and loneliness:

And, Mika, we’ve seen the numbers. You and I have talked about it a lot. The numbers are so frightening. 60%, a recent Pew study showed 60% of young men are single. That’s twice the rate of young women. You look at the graduation rates from high school. You look at the graduation rates from college …  Young men are falling off a cliff. They are disillusioned. They are more isolated than ever before.



Hardcore liberal media, after years of radical feminism, is now trying to look out for young men? Did they have some kind of conversion? The answer is a bit more mundane. Scarborough’s point became that people like Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Steve Bannon should not be allowed to help men.

“The Democrats shouldn’t just leave to people like Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon, the Democrats should see – you can see two crises at once, right? So if you talk about the crisis of manhood, if you talk about the crisis of young boys, the crisis of young men, as you have done for so many years,” he proclaimed.

For his description of how Republicans were addressing the issue, Scarborough suggested the right was preying on young men and luring them to a life of extremism:

You know, the message from-from these people start out fairly positive, which is, you know, get out of your rooms. Get off of your screens. Get outside. Exercise, make something of yourself. And that’s the first part of the message. And anybody that has seen what’s happened to boys, young men over the past 15 years, would say, “great message,” but then it turns dark to misogyny and bigotry … and are trying to push them in a more radical direction.

Make no mistake, Scarborough was correct that the left had abandoned men to its own political detriment. But, this cry is likely to fall on deaf ears. Why would men accept liberal ideology and wokeness when they have never cared about the well-being of men before? And, as Scarborough admitted, they’re only now are getting motivated to address the issues men face for the “cynical purposes” of getting votes so they can stay in power politically.

Joe Scarborough’s cynical election plan was sponsored by Allstate and Ensure. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


7:35 AM ET


JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, it has and there’s a reason why politicians are talking about it, at least politicians on the right. Because by one measurement after another, young men actually are in a state of crisis. And as Will points out-


SCARBOROUGH: – it’s only the Republicans right now that seem to notice this. So, Will, let’s talk about how Republicans, not just Republicans, but also what-what I see all the time when-when I go online. I’ve got three boys and – of varying ages, so I’ve kind of seen this moving. You know, the message from-from these people start out fairly positive, which is, you know, get out of your rooms. Get off of your screens. Get outside. Exercise, make something of yourself. And that’s the first part of the message. And anybody that has seen what’s happened to boys, young men over the past 15 years, would say, “great message,” but then it turns dark to misogyny and bigotry. Talk about, politically, why people like Steve Bannon have identified this group and are trying to push them in a more radical direction. 


7:37 AM

SCARBOROUGH: And so, Reverend Al, I’m going to go to you. I know you have a question for Will, but this is something that Will points out. The Democrats shouldn’t just leave to people like Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon, the Democrats should see – you can see two crises at once, right? So if you talk about the crisis of manhood, if you talk about the crisis of young boys, the crisis of young men, as you have done for so many years, Rev., that doesn’t mean women aren’t facing misogyny. That doesn’t mean women aren’t facing their own challenges either and there’s been almost this zero-sum game, if you talk about men, then you’re supporting toxic masculinity and into this void have come people like Hawley and people like Bannon. There is a massive crisis among young men. You look at the numbers, and it seems to be growing by the year. What are some effective ways for people other than these far-right political profiteers, what are some of the ways to help young men?


7:43 AM

SCARBOROUGH: Well, I mean, that’s actually the whole purpose of this article and also of this segment, Mika, which is, don’t cede the field to Josh Hawley. 


SCARBOROUGH: Don’t do that by saying that a young man is toxic because he’s a young man. Don’t say that he’s born with the sins of thousands of years of other men because he is a young man. I mean, you don’t say that masculinity is a bad thing, that it is automatically toxic. I mean, it’s just — it’s been — and, again, if people don’t want to do it for the right reason, and if people are so messed up in their head that they don’t think they can worry about young women and young men at the same time, well, then do it for cynical purposes. Because you’re giving over an entire generation of young men to the likes of Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon. And, Mika, we’ve seen the numbers. 


You and I have talked about it a lot. The numbers are so frightening. Sixty percent, a recent Pew study showed 60 percent of young men are single. That’s twice the rate of young women. You look at the graduation rates from high school. You look at the graduation rates from college. 


SCARBOROUGH: Young men falling off a cliff. They are disillusioned. They are more isolated than ever before. And this is what powers extremism. And I’ll take it a step further. This is what — this is what fuels fascism ultimately. So, why not engage everybody? Why not, as Will’s article says in a very thoughtful way, prove that we can do two things at once? And that’s something right now we’re not doing. People have been afraid to say what Claire just said, that masculinity is not bad, manhood is not bad. 


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