On Monday’s Fox & Friends, the show gave viewers the kind of substantive coverage of the illegal immigration crisis that the liberal media won’t.
After the show recounted some of the bad behavior by illegal aliens in New York that is making some hotels have to close temporarily, former ICE director Tom Homan recalled for viewers that nearly all of the alleged “asylum seekers” will have their cases rejected, but will still manage to stay in the country indefinitely.
On Memorial Day morning, fill-in co-host Kayleigh McEnany began the segment by introducing a clip of a former hotel worker who recounted for Fox viewers that he had witnessed illegal drug use and weapon possession by some of the asylum seekers. McEnany then recalled:
That New York hotel, one of them is about five blocks from where I’m sitting, so, last night, I go on this hotel’s website, and here’s what I read: “Closed till further notice.” They’re closed because there are illegal migrants in these hotels.
After the Fox host noted reports that 85,000 children have effectively been lost by the Biden administration releasing them into the custody of relatives in the U.S., she went to Homan, a Fox News contributor, and posed: “Where are all the human rights activists?”
The former ICE official recalled the record number of deaths of illegals entering the U.S. in the past couple of years:
Ever since Joe Biden’s been President, we’ve got over 1,700 migrants have died on U.S. soil, a record. A record number of children missing, I mean, you know, over 85,000 children that were released to unvetted sponsors. I guarantee, based on my 35 years of experience, some of these children are living with predators.
He further filled in viewers on the twisted irony that the children of illegal immigrants would be better off in ICE detention centers which the Biden administration refuses to fully utilize rather than be left loose where they can be more easily exploited:
But here’s what the taxpayers need to know. They don’t have to pay $500 a night to be in a hotel room. There are, right now, while you and I are talking, there are thousands of empty ICE beds already paid for by the taxpayers sitting empty at about $1,700 a night. And in ICE beds, there’s 24/7 line of sight supervision by officers so this stuff doesn’t happen.
They get 24/7 medical coverage, they get three square meals a day. And, most importantly, if you’re in an ICE-protected facility, you see a judge in 35 days — not three years, five years, or, in New York City, 10 years.
After McEnany asked why President Biden insists on letting so many illegals enter the country, Homan cited a report from the Homeland Security Department finding that 90 percent of illegal aliens who apply for asylum lose their cases, but nearly all stay in the country anyway.
He further argued that Democrats wish to benefit from the presence of illegal immigrants which will help predominantly Democrat sanctuary states pad the number of congressional districts their state will get in Congress since illegal aliens are included in the Census count for reapportionment.
This episode of Fox & Friends was sponsored in part by Tempur-Pedic and Vroom. Their contact information is linked. Let them know you appreciate them funding such important news programs.
Transcript follows:
Fox & Friends
May 29, 2023
6:15 a.m. Eastern
KAYLEIGH McENANY: A former worker at a New York City hotel that’s housing migrants is sharing shocking details of the mess that’s being left behind.
CARLOS ARELLANO, EX-EMPLOYEE OF ROW NYC HOTEL: We find fake passports, fake Social Security cards, all kinds of fake documents in this hotel every day. (editing jump) Every day, we find about 10 kids alone in their hotel rooms either drinking or doing drugs. Weapons will be in the room.
McENANY: Here to react is retired acting ICE director and Fox News contributor Tom Homan. … You know, that New York hotel, one of them is about five blocks from where I’m sitting, so, last night, I go on this hotel’s website, and here’s what I read: “Closed till further notice.” They’re closed because there are illegal migrants in these hotels.
And here was one such alert that they received via text message. “Blank is the room number. The child’s name is blank, and she is drunk. Her parents are not on site. We don’t know where they are. The child is 10 years old.” To which the social worker said, “Received, thank you.”
So you’ve got drunk 10-year-olds — over 85,000 children lost by the government — we knew that earlier in the month. Where are the human rights activists?
TOM HOMAN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Look, they’re nowhere to be found. Ever since Joe Biden’s been President, we’ve got over 1,700 migrants have died on U.S. soil, a record. A record number of children missing, I mean, you know, over 85,000 children that were released to unvetted sponsors. I guarantee, based on my 35 years of experience, some of these children are living with predators. Some of them are probably forced to make pornographic movies. We know some are forced into labor because we’ve already had three or four instances where they’re found in meat packing plants working the midnight shift.
But here’s what the taxpayers need to know. They don’t have to pay $500 a night to be in a hotel room. There are, right now, while you and I are talking, there are thousands of empty ICE beds already paid for by the taxpayers sitting empty at about $1,700 a night. And in ICE beds, there’s 24/7 line of sight supervision by officers so this stuff doesn’t happen. They get 24/7 medical coverage, they get three square meals a day. And, most importantly, if you’re in an ICE-protected facility, you see a judge in 35 days — not three years, five years, or, in New York City, 10 years.
McENANY: So, Tom, that’s befuddling what you just said. There are empty ICE beds while we are filling up luxury hotels in Manhattan. Why would they possibly leave ICE beds empty?
HOMAN: Great question. Because Homeland Security Life Site report, the secretary of Homeland Security’s own report, over the last 10 years, says this: Nine out of 10 people who claim asylum at the border never get relieved from U.S. courts because they simply don’t qualify. They get an order of removal. What happens to that nine out of 10? Well, if you’re not in detention, the Homeland Security Life Site report says, if you’re a family unit, only six percent will leave. So that 90 percent that lose their case, six percent leave. However, if you’re in an ICE detention facility. 99.7 percent get deported. That’s why they’re having “catch and release.” That’s why there’s empty ICE beds. Not only do they open the border up to the males coming across, Kaleigh, they don’t — they know that 90 percent will lose, and they don’t want them to leave. That’s why they’re not detaining them. They know they will never be deported. They’ll wait around for the next amnesty giveaway, future Democratic voters. The Democrats know exactly what they’re doing. They have the same data points I do. This isn’t by accident. This isn’t mismanagement. This is by design.
McENANY: So you’re telling me this is intentional. Who could possibly want to do this to our country? — MS-13 released in our country, people on the terror watch list — who could possibly intentionally do this? And why?
HOMAN: It’s an insult. It’s the left, the Democrats. And here’s why, Because they think they’re future Democratic voters, and they think there’s a future political benefit in all of this. But, most importantly, they don’t even have to wait for them to vote, Kayleigh. President Biden also overturned Trump’s Census rules, which means millions of these people that enter the country illegally who are in sanctuary cities like New York, they’ll be counted in the next Census. What does that mean? That means more seats in the House for the Democrats when they reapportion the seats. They perceive a future political benefit from doing this.
On Monday’s Fox & Friends, the show gave viewers the kind of substantive coverage of the illegal immigration crisis that the liberal media won’t.
After the show recounted some of the bad behavior by illegal aliens in New York that is making some hotels have to close temporarily, former ICE director Tom Homan recalled for viewers that nearly all of the alleged “asylum seekers” will have their cases rejected, but will still manage to stay in the country indefinitely.
On Memorial Day morning, fill-in co-host Kayleigh McEnany began the segment by introducing a clip of a former hotel worker who recounted for Fox viewers that he had witnessed illegal drug use and weapon possession by some of the asylum seekers. McEnany then recalled:
That New York hotel, one of them is about five blocks from where I’m sitting, so, last night, I go on this hotel’s website, and here’s what I read: “Closed till further notice.” They’re closed because there are illegal migrants in these hotels.
After the Fox host noted reports that 85,000 children have effectively been lost by the Biden administration releasing them into the custody of relatives in the U.S., she went to Homan, a Fox News contributor, and posed: “Where are all the human rights activists?”
The former ICE official recalled the record number of deaths of illegals entering the U.S. in the past couple of years:
Ever since Joe Biden’s been President, we’ve got over 1,700 migrants have died on U.S. soil, a record. A record number of children missing, I mean, you know, over 85,000 children that were released to unvetted sponsors. I guarantee, based on my 35 years of experience, some of these children are living with predators.
He further filled in viewers on the twisted irony that the children of illegal immigrants would be better off in ICE detention centers which the Biden administration refuses to fully utilize rather than be left loose where they can be more easily exploited:
But here’s what the taxpayers need to know. They don’t have to pay $500 a night to be in a hotel room. There are, right now, while you and I are talking, there are thousands of empty ICE beds already paid for by the taxpayers sitting empty at about $1,700 a night. And in ICE beds, there’s 24/7 line of sight supervision by officers so this stuff doesn’t happen.
They get 24/7 medical coverage, they get three square meals a day. And, most importantly, if you’re in an ICE-protected facility, you see a judge in 35 days — not three years, five years, or, in New York City, 10 years.
After McEnany asked why President Biden insists on letting so many illegals enter the country, Homan cited a report from the Homeland Security Department finding that 90 percent of illegal aliens who apply for asylum lose their cases, but nearly all stay in the country anyway.
He further argued that Democrats wish to benefit from the presence of illegal immigrants which will help predominantly Democrat sanctuary states pad the number of congressional districts their state will get in Congress since illegal aliens are included in the Census count for reapportionment.
This episode of Fox & Friends was sponsored in part by Tempur-Pedic and Vroom. Their contact information is linked. Let them know you appreciate them funding such important news programs.
Transcript follows:
Fox & Friends
May 29, 2023
6:15 a.m. Eastern
KAYLEIGH McENANY: A former worker at a New York City hotel that’s housing migrants is sharing shocking details of the mess that’s being left behind.
CARLOS ARELLANO, EX-EMPLOYEE OF ROW NYC HOTEL: We find fake passports, fake Social Security cards, all kinds of fake documents in this hotel every day. (editing jump) Every day, we find about 10 kids alone in their hotel rooms either drinking or doing drugs. Weapons will be in the room.
McENANY: Here to react is retired acting ICE director and Fox News contributor Tom Homan. … You know, that New York hotel, one of them is about five blocks from where I’m sitting, so, last night, I go on this hotel’s website, and here’s what I read: “Closed till further notice.” They’re closed because there are illegal migrants in these hotels.
And here was one such alert that they received via text message. “Blank is the room number. The child’s name is blank, and she is drunk. Her parents are not on site. We don’t know where they are. The child is 10 years old.” To which the social worker said, “Received, thank you.”
So you’ve got drunk 10-year-olds — over 85,000 children lost by the government — we knew that earlier in the month. Where are the human rights activists?
TOM HOMAN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Look, they’re nowhere to be found. Ever since Joe Biden’s been President, we’ve got over 1,700 migrants have died on U.S. soil, a record. A record number of children missing, I mean, you know, over 85,000 children that were released to unvetted sponsors. I guarantee, based on my 35 years of experience, some of these children are living with predators. Some of them are probably forced to make pornographic movies. We know some are forced into labor because we’ve already had three or four instances where they’re found in meat packing plants working the midnight shift.
But here’s what the taxpayers need to know. They don’t have to pay $500 a night to be in a hotel room. There are, right now, while you and I are talking, there are thousands of empty ICE beds already paid for by the taxpayers sitting empty at about $1,700 a night. And in ICE beds, there’s 24/7 line of sight supervision by officers so this stuff doesn’t happen. They get 24/7 medical coverage, they get three square meals a day. And, most importantly, if you’re in an ICE-protected facility, you see a judge in 35 days — not three years, five years, or, in New York City, 10 years.
McENANY: So, Tom, that’s befuddling what you just said. There are empty ICE beds while we are filling up luxury hotels in Manhattan. Why would they possibly leave ICE beds empty?
HOMAN: Great question. Because Homeland Security Life Site report, the secretary of Homeland Security’s own report, over the last 10 years, says this: Nine out of 10 people who claim asylum at the border never get relieved from U.S. courts because they simply don’t qualify. They get an order of removal. What happens to that nine out of 10? Well, if you’re not in detention, the Homeland Security Life Site report says, if you’re a family unit, only six percent will leave. So that 90 percent that lose their case, six percent leave. However, if you’re in an ICE detention facility. 99.7 percent get deported. That’s why they’re having “catch and release.” That’s why there’s empty ICE beds. Not only do they open the border up to the males coming across, Kaleigh, they don’t — they know that 90 percent will lose, and they don’t want them to leave. That’s why they’re not detaining them. They know they will never be deported. They’ll wait around for the next amnesty giveaway, future Democratic voters. The Democrats know exactly what they’re doing. They have the same data points I do. This isn’t by accident. This isn’t mismanagement. This is by design.
McENANY: So you’re telling me this is intentional. Who could possibly want to do this to our country? — MS-13 released in our country, people on the terror watch list — who could possibly intentionally do this? And why?
HOMAN: It’s an insult. It’s the left, the Democrats. And here’s why, Because they think they’re future Democratic voters, and they think there’s a future political benefit in all of this. But, most importantly, they don’t even have to wait for them to vote, Kayleigh. President Biden also overturned Trump’s Census rules, which means millions of these people that enter the country illegally who are in sanctuary cities like New York, they’ll be counted in the next Census. What does that mean? That means more seats in the House for the Democrats when they reapportion the seats. They perceive a future political benefit from doing this.