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The medical field is erasing its own COVID-era history

As much as the government probably wishes you would, most of you have hopefully not forgotten how “The Science” unfolded over the course of the pandemic. Pfizer and the rest of the Big Pharma companies assured the government that everything was just fine with the vaccines because they had been doing super serious testing. Outside medical clinics were running trials in parallel. And the government dutifully reported the cheerful news to us, while using all of that “data” to impose lockdowns, mask mandates, and immunity passport systems. But as we have since learned, there really wasn’t all that much testing going on in the rush to get the vaccines out the door. And now, according to one group that tracks publications in scientific journals, a lot of the original research and test results are mysteriously disappearing. More than 300 papers and scientific articles have vanished in the past year. (PJ Media)Read More 

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