If this is confirmed it could turn out to be the biggest story you’ll see, and perhaps the biggest story of all time, even if most of the MSM will be completely ignoring or whitewashing it for a while, which we’ll get to below. (Please read everything else in this article as being prefaced by “if this is confirmed” so I don’t have to type it over and over again.) According to reporting by veteran journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, the reporters who broke the original AATIP UFO program story for the New York Times in 2017, along with Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, a whistleblower from deep inside the government has come forward with some remarkable claims. He has records of a deep, black-budget program where the American military is in possession of multiple “craft,” both partial and intact, that have been determined to be of “non-human origin.” And that’s not all. He claims we’ve had them for a long time and the Pentagon never told Congress about it or submitted the program to congressional oversight. Kean and Blumenthal’s article appears at The Debrief and it’s full of eye-opening allegations from someone who is well-positioned to know such things.Read More