News Busters

Scarborough Dismisses Comer’s Biden Investigation Before It’s Really Started

After spending years pounding the drum of the Russia collusion hoax, Thursday’s edition of Morning Joe on MSNBC fell back to a demonstrably exaggerated characterization of Congressman James Comer’s (R-KY) investigation into President Biden’s corruption. Despite the investigation still being in its early stages, Joe Scarborough and Jonathan Lemire, together with the Washington Post’s Jacqueline Alemany teamed up to mock the investigation as “a whole lot of smoke and no fire.”

Together they pushed Congressman Jamie Raskin’s (D-MD) lie about the investigation that Attorney General Bill Barr recently publicly refuted. This blatant assault on an ongoing investigation by Republicans was one more example that showcases the inevitable conclusion that MSNBC is in fact a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and willing to use lies to bolster their false narratives whenever possible.

Alemany claimed: “we are told not just by Jamie Raskin but by independent sources who told the Post who are familiar with the document that it was reviewed under Attorney General Bill Barr and Scott Brady, it was assessed and these allegations that the informant made were ultimately closed”.

Unfortunately for Raskin, Attorney General Bill Barr himself publicly confirmed that “It’s not true. It wasn’t closed down … it was sent to Delaware for further investigation.” How could Bill Barr assess and close down the investigation, then come out and say he did not close down the allegations? Someone had to be lying.

Scarborough then railed on that the document was “much ado about nothing”, dismissing the investigation to his co-host Jonathan Lemire, who took it a step further, arguing that the investigation was actually Republicans weaponizing the Federal government against Joe Biden.

Lemire then reasserted the long-repeated Democrat talking point that Republicans were trying to “drag down the President” to provide a distraction for Donald Trump’s own legal problems. Legal problems, which MSNBC has constantly inflated as “the walls closing in on” Trump, even after the Durham Report showed accusations of “Trump-Russia collusion” to be false.

MSNBC thinks it is okay to hype up investigations that end in nothing if Trump is the target, but if Biden is the target, it is the end of the world. Of course, the fact that the allegations were not closed by Bill Barr and the FBI’s insistence that they fear their informant will be killed if the document goes public both indicate there could be something to the investigation. But, if the investigation does reveal no wrongdoing by the President, and turns out to be Republicans going after President Biden’s poll numbers as they say, MSNBC should be offering them a job, not criticism.

MSNBC’s disinformation effort was sponsored by Priceline and Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


7:23 AM ET


JACQUELINE ALEMANY: Yeah, Mika, it’s a lot of back and forth to follow, last night at around 9:30, we were notified that James Comer had agreed to Christopher Wray’s offer for all of the lawmakers on the committee to review this 1023 document which we are told not just by Jamie Raskin but by independent sources who told the Post who are familiar with this document that it was reviewed under Attorney General Bill Barr and Scott Brady, it was assessed and these allegations that the confidential informant made were ultimately close. It is possible that this document was then routed, as we discussed on Monday, to another ongoing investigation. But that does not mean that it is that the allegations make in the allegation specifically are being investigated. 

We- lawmakers are expected to be able to view the document potentially today as early as today or next week. But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made it very clear in his own words yesterday: if all of the lawmakers are able to view this document in camera, in person, then there is no contempt vote. James Comer seemed to have ultimately agreed despite a lot of the showboating he was doing around this contempt vote. 

JOE SCARBOROUGH: All right, The Washington Post’s Jackie Alemany, as always thank you so much, appreciate it. 

ALEMANY: Thanks, Joe.

SCAROBOROUGH: And this document itself, my God, Jonathan Lemire, time and again we hear about the document and it seems to the be much ado about nothing. You actually had Chuck Grassley who saw the document, was asked about it and said- said, well does that does the document prove that he’s guilty? And he said, ‘Well it doesn’t matter. We don’t care whether he’s guilty or not. We don’t care whether he’s guilty or not.’

Again, Barr didn’t move on this. The Trump Administration didn’t move on this. And again even when Grassley saw it- Grassley, none came out saying that he did anything wrong. There’s just a whole lot of smoke here. And absolutely no fire it seems. 

JONATHAN LEMIRE: Yeah, no, the fires are up in Canada. They’re certainly not, and many of them do with this particular matter. And we saw it we’ve heard it from Grassley you just said, Congressman Comer himself has been on, has given interviews, he has admitted that this is about President Joe Biden’s poll numbers, that they don’t recognize, they recognize that there probably isn’t something actually there. 

But they’re gonna keep this going. And it is, not to belabor the analogy, it is about a smoke machine here because they are trying to just create distraction, they’re trying to drag down the President as well as try to come up with the equivalence of the legal problems surrounding Donald Trump. Republicans have made clear that their argument all along, Willie, the idea the government, the Federal bureaucracy, was against Donald Trump, was working to undermine him, therefore this is fair play. They’re trying to level the playing field. They’re in their cries of the Federal Government being weaponized against Trump, when really they’re trying to weaponized it against Biden.

But there is at least to this point, no there there. And it also shows there’s been no impact on the President’s poll numbers, and in fact polls suggest they want the Republicans in the House to focus on something that actually matters.


After spending years pounding the drum of the Russia collusion hoax, Thursday’s edition of Morning Joe on MSNBC fell back to a demonstrably exaggerated characterization of Congressman James Comer’s (R-KY) investigation into President Biden’s corruption. Despite the investigation still being in its early stages, Joe Scarborough and Jonathan Lemire, together with the Washington Post’s Jacqueline Alemany teamed up to mock the investigation as “a whole lot of smoke and no fire.”

Together they pushed Congressman Jamie Raskin’s (D-MD) lie about the investigation that Attorney General Bill Barr recently publicly refuted. This blatant assault on an ongoing investigation by Republicans was one more example that showcases the inevitable conclusion that MSNBC is in fact a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and willing to use lies to bolster their false narratives whenever possible.

Alemany claimed: “we are told not just by Jamie Raskin but by independent sources who told the Post who are familiar with the document that it was reviewed under Attorney General Bill Barr and Scott Brady, it was assessed and these allegations that the informant made were ultimately closed”.

Unfortunately for Raskin, Attorney General Bill Barr himself publicly confirmed that “It’s not true. It wasn’t closed down … it was sent to Delaware for further investigation.” How could Bill Barr assess and close down the investigation, then come out and say he did not close down the allegations? Someone had to be lying.

Scarborough then railed on that the document was “much ado about nothing”, dismissing the investigation to his co-host Jonathan Lemire, who took it a step further, arguing that the investigation was actually Republicans weaponizing the Federal government against Joe Biden.

Lemire then reasserted the long-repeated Democrat talking point that Republicans were trying to “drag down the President” to provide a distraction for Donald Trump’s own legal problems. Legal problems, which MSNBC has constantly inflated as “the walls closing in on” Trump, even after the Durham Report showed accusations of “Trump-Russia collusion” to be false.

MSNBC thinks it is okay to hype up investigations that end in nothing if Trump is the target, but if Biden is the target, it is the end of the world. Of course, the fact that the allegations were not closed by Bill Barr and the FBI’s insistence that they fear their informant will be killed if the document goes public both indicate there could be something to the investigation. But, if the investigation does reveal no wrongdoing by the President, and turns out to be Republicans going after President Biden’s poll numbers as they say, MSNBC should be offering them a job, not criticism.

MSNBC’s disinformation effort was sponsored by Priceline and Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


7:23 AM ET


JACQUELINE ALEMANY: Yeah, Mika, it’s a lot of back and forth to follow, last night at around 9:30, we were notified that James Comer had agreed to Christopher Wray’s offer for all of the lawmakers on the committee to review this 1023 document which we are told not just by Jamie Raskin but by independent sources who told the Post who are familiar with this document that it was reviewed under Attorney General Bill Barr and Scott Brady, it was assessed and these allegations that the confidential informant made were ultimately close. It is possible that this document was then routed, as we discussed on Monday, to another ongoing investigation. But that does not mean that it is that the allegations make in the allegation specifically are being investigated. 

We- lawmakers are expected to be able to view the document potentially today as early as today or next week. But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made it very clear in his own words yesterday: if all of the lawmakers are able to view this document in camera, in person, then there is no contempt vote. James Comer seemed to have ultimately agreed despite a lot of the showboating he was doing around this contempt vote. 

JOE SCARBOROUGH: All right, The Washington Post’s Jackie Alemany, as always thank you so much, appreciate it. 

ALEMANY: Thanks, Joe.

SCAROBOROUGH: And this document itself, my God, Jonathan Lemire, time and again we hear about the document and it seems to the be much ado about nothing. You actually had Chuck Grassley who saw the document, was asked about it and said- said, well does that does the document prove that he’s guilty? And he said, ‘Well it doesn’t matter. We don’t care whether he’s guilty or not. We don’t care whether he’s guilty or not.’

Again, Barr didn’t move on this. The Trump Administration didn’t move on this. And again even when Grassley saw it- Grassley, none came out saying that he did anything wrong. There’s just a whole lot of smoke here. And absolutely no fire it seems. 

JONATHAN LEMIRE: Yeah, no, the fires are up in Canada. They’re certainly not, and many of them do with this particular matter. And we saw it we’ve heard it from Grassley you just said, Congressman Comer himself has been on, has given interviews, he has admitted that this is about President Joe Biden’s poll numbers, that they don’t recognize, they recognize that there probably isn’t something actually there. 

But they’re gonna keep this going. And it is, not to belabor the analogy, it is about a smoke machine here because they are trying to just create distraction, they’re trying to drag down the President as well as try to come up with the equivalence of the legal problems surrounding Donald Trump. Republicans have made clear that their argument all along, Willie, the idea the government, the Federal bureaucracy, was against Donald Trump, was working to undermine him, therefore this is fair play. They’re trying to level the playing field. They’re in their cries of the Federal Government being weaponized against Trump, when really they’re trying to weaponized it against Biden.

But there is at least to this point, no there there. And it also shows there’s been no impact on the President’s poll numbers, and in fact polls suggest they want the Republicans in the House to focus on something that actually matters.


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