Hot Air

Burisma boss claims to have tapes of the Bidens

Picking up on John’s coverage of a rather shocking story here. While you likely won’t hear a word about this from CNN, MSNBC, or the alphabet networks, things are heating up in the investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. Now that the infamous 1023 form from a trusted FBI informant has been reviewed by the House Oversight Committee, more details are leaking out about allegations of bribery and corruption involving Biden Inc. The latest detail looks like it has the potential to be a bombshell. During a Senate floor speech, Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa claimed that the FBI source said that a Burisma executive claims to have taped recordings of fifteen conversations he had with Hunter Biden and two calls with “the Big Guy” himself. If those tapes still exist and can be located, this story may soon get too big for even CNN to ignore. (NY Post)Read More 

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