Hot Air

Maybe the real problem is the Constitution itself

Before you begin wondering if my account was hacked by activists from the Southern Poverty Law Center, allow me to assure you that wasn’t the case. The title is a reference to a recent op-ed from Frank Miele at RealClearPolitics titled, “We Need a Constitution That Means What it Says.” Rather than arguing that the Founding Document was poorly written or that its authors somehow got it wrong, Frank is pointing out that the Supreme Court has taken to ignoring the actual words that were written. Despite receiving many accolades from Constitutional conservatives following recent decisions, some of the rulings we’ve seen were handed down were based on a very revisionist interpretation of the Constitution rather than an originalist one. As a prime example, he points to Moore v. Harper, where the court rejected the so-called “independent state legislature” theory when setting election laws. But as Frank points out, that’s not “a theory.” It’s the literal wording of the Constitution.Read More 

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