News Busters

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Defends Racial Indoctrination in Military, Blames GOP Instead

During Sunday’s edition of MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki, the former Biden White House Press Secretary turned full-time Democrat propagandist went on a delusional rant about how forced racial indoctrination trainings in the United States military aren’t an issue because they’re only an hour, all the while accusing Senators like Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are the ones politicizing the military. In reality, they are the ones trying to force the military to focus on their mission instead of pushing woke racial and gender ideology. 

Psaki proclaimed it was a “right-wing conspiracy theory” that the U.S. Military is a “left-wing organization, indoctrinating troops with hundreds of hours of DEI training.” 



Her gotcha moment rebutting conservative claims? She tried proving them wrong by admitting it was happening but only for an hour, which is an hour longer than it should be: “The right-wing punching bag, diversity and inclusion training, is just one hour, one hour of initial military training for infantry soldiers.” 

“It’s during the same period of training time that they spend 160 hours on rifle marksmanship,” Psaki proclaimed. Rifle marksmanship is part of military training, not racial indoctrination in the form of “DEI” training. Psaki appears to think they are equally important. 

She ended her monologue by ironically insisting it’s Republicans who are really trying to politicize the military. 

“Republicans like Tommy Tuberville love to claim politics and wokeness is affecting the readiness of our military. But right now, the only person politicizing the military seems to be him,” Psaki claimed. 

In what’s obvious to everyone but her, it’s not Republicans who are bringing politics into the military. The left has been pushing their agenda into every institution in America, but when conservatives fight to stop it and urge institutions like the military to focus on their mission, left-wing activists like Psaki cry that the GOP are playing politics with national security.

Someone should ask Psaki how we ever won two world wars without military DEI training or transgender activism in our armed forces. Let her explain that one to us next Sunday, 

This dishonest segment was made possible by Verizon. Their information is linked. 

To read the transcript, click “expand”:

MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki
12:23:30 p.m. Eastern 

JEN PSAKI: Another right-wing conspiracy theory is that the U.S. Military is a left-wing organization, indoctrinating troops with hundreds of hours of DEI training. The actual truth? The right-wing punching bag, diversity and inclusion training, is just one hour, one hour of initial military training for infantry soldiers. And it’s during the same period of training time that they spend 160 hours on rifle marksmanship. 

And it gets better. Because guess, just guess when the mandatory lunch break length of DEI training was passed into law? Under President—former President Donald Trump! So just to sum this all up, Republicans led up by Senators Tommy Tuberville and Ted Cruz seem to be more concerned about a map in a movie, a fake map in a movie about Barbie. An hour of DEI training, and blocking women’s access to health care than ensuring our military is confirmed leadership in place during an incredibly tenuous moment around the world. Republicans like Tommy Tuberville love to claim politics and wokeness is affecting the readiness of our military. But right now, the only person politicizing the military seems to be him.

During Sunday’s edition of MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki, the former Biden White House Press Secretary turned full-time Democrat propagandist went on a delusional rant about how forced racial indoctrination trainings in the United States military aren’t an issue because they’re only an hour, all the while accusing Senators like Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are the ones politicizing the military. In reality, they are the ones trying to force the military to focus on their mission instead of pushing woke racial and gender ideology. 

Psaki proclaimed it was a “right-wing conspiracy theory” that the U.S. Military is a “left-wing organization, indoctrinating troops with hundreds of hours of DEI training.” 



Her gotcha moment rebutting conservative claims? She tried proving them wrong by admitting it was happening but only for an hour, which is an hour longer than it should be: “The right-wing punching bag, diversity and inclusion training, is just one hour, one hour of initial military training for infantry soldiers.” 

“It’s during the same period of training time that they spend 160 hours on rifle marksmanship,” Psaki proclaimed. Rifle marksmanship is part of military training, not racial indoctrination in the form of “DEI” training. Psaki appears to think they are equally important. 

She ended her monologue by ironically insisting it’s Republicans who are really trying to politicize the military. 

“Republicans like Tommy Tuberville love to claim politics and wokeness is affecting the readiness of our military. But right now, the only person politicizing the military seems to be him,” Psaki claimed. 

In what’s obvious to everyone but her, it’s not Republicans who are bringing politics into the military. The left has been pushing their agenda into every institution in America, but when conservatives fight to stop it and urge institutions like the military to focus on their mission, left-wing activists like Psaki cry that the GOP are playing politics with national security.

Someone should ask Psaki how we ever won two world wars without military DEI training or transgender activism in our armed forces. Let her explain that one to us next Sunday, 

This dishonest segment was made possible by Verizon. Their information is linked. 

To read the transcript, click “expand”:

MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki
12:23:30 p.m. Eastern 

JEN PSAKI: Another right-wing conspiracy theory is that the U.S. Military is a left-wing organization, indoctrinating troops with hundreds of hours of DEI training. The actual truth? The right-wing punching bag, diversity and inclusion training, is just one hour, one hour of initial military training for infantry soldiers. And it’s during the same period of training time that they spend 160 hours on rifle marksmanship. 

And it gets better. Because guess, just guess when the mandatory lunch break length of DEI training was passed into law? Under President—former President Donald Trump! So just to sum this all up, Republicans led up by Senators Tommy Tuberville and Ted Cruz seem to be more concerned about a map in a movie, a fake map in a movie about Barbie. An hour of DEI training, and blocking women’s access to health care than ensuring our military is confirmed leadership in place during an incredibly tenuous moment around the world. Republicans like Tommy Tuberville love to claim politics and wokeness is affecting the readiness of our military. But right now, the only person politicizing the military seems to be him. 

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