News Busters

Donna Brazile Laughably Claims Biden is the Moderate in 2024 Race

On Sunday’s edition of ABC’s This Week, disgraced former Democratic National Committee chairwoman and current ABC News contributor Donna Brazile said with a straight face that President Joe Biden is the moderate in the 2024 race for President of the United States. This is despite the fact that there has never been a more radical Democrat living in the White House. 

The comment took place during a roundtable discussion on the news of the third party group No Labels working to field candidates to run against both the Republican and Democrat candidates for president in 2024. 



“Democrats have a lot of experience of third party candidates basically biting at our heels and of course, turning the election over to the Republicans,” Brazile fretted over the idea. “We saw that with Ralph Nader in 2000. I experienced it personally. I’m no longer crying, and we saw it again in 2016 with Jill Stein.” 

She added that “we have a multiparty system in the United States. I tell that to people all the time. You want a Socialist, a Libertarian, a Reform whatever you want.” 

“I don’t see them fueling a vacuum. I see them trying to make an argument that there needs to be a moderate. Well, the moderate is Joe Biden,” Brazile laughably claimed. “That’s the moderate in the race. They’re saying there needs to be another choice. Well, we offer plenty of choices in American politics.” 

This segment was made possible by Verizon. Their information is linked. 

To read the transcript, click “expand”:

ABC’s This Week
9:41:43 a.m. Eastern

DONNA BRAZILE: Well, Democrats have a lot of experience of third party candidates basically biting at our heels and of course, turning the election over to the Republicans. We saw that with Ralph Nader in 2000. I experienced it personally. I’m no longer crying, and we saw it again in 2016 with Jill Stein. So yeah, there’s, you know, we know this is going to be a close election. George, regardless of the where the polls stand today, it’s gonna come down to three or four states and likely less than 100,000 people across those states, so yeah. Every vote matters. We have a multiparty system in the United States. I tell that to people all the time. You want a Socialist, a Libertarian, a Reform whatever you want. So, I don’t see them fueling a vacuum. I see them trying to make an argument that there needs to be a moderate. Well, the moderate is Joe Biden. That’s the moderate in the race. They’re saying there needs to be another choice. Well, we offer plenty of choices in American politics.

On Sunday’s edition of ABC’s This Week, disgraced former Democratic National Committee chairwoman and current ABC News contributor Donna Brazile said with a straight face that President Joe Biden is the moderate in the 2024 race for President of the United States. This is despite the fact that there has never been a more radical Democrat living in the White House. 

The comment took place during a roundtable discussion on the news of the third party group No Labels working to field candidates to run against both the Republican and Democrat candidates for president in 2024. 



“Democrats have a lot of experience of third party candidates basically biting at our heels and of course, turning the election over to the Republicans,” Brazile fretted over the idea. “We saw that with Ralph Nader in 2000. I experienced it personally. I’m no longer crying, and we saw it again in 2016 with Jill Stein.” 

She added that “we have a multiparty system in the United States. I tell that to people all the time. You want a Socialist, a Libertarian, a Reform whatever you want.” 

“I don’t see them fueling a vacuum. I see them trying to make an argument that there needs to be a moderate. Well, the moderate is Joe Biden,” Brazile laughably claimed. “That’s the moderate in the race. They’re saying there needs to be another choice. Well, we offer plenty of choices in American politics.” 

This segment was made possible by Verizon. Their information is linked. 

To read the transcript, click “expand”:

ABC’s This Week
9:41:43 a.m. Eastern

DONNA BRAZILE: Well, Democrats have a lot of experience of third party candidates basically biting at our heels and of course, turning the election over to the Republicans. We saw that with Ralph Nader in 2000. I experienced it personally. I’m no longer crying, and we saw it again in 2016 with Jill Stein. So yeah, there’s, you know, we know this is going to be a close election. George, regardless of the where the polls stand today, it’s gonna come down to three or four states and likely less than 100,000 people across those states, so yeah. Every vote matters. We have a multiparty system in the United States. I tell that to people all the time. You want a Socialist, a Libertarian, a Reform whatever you want. So, I don’t see them fueling a vacuum. I see them trying to make an argument that there needs to be a moderate. Well, the moderate is Joe Biden. That’s the moderate in the race. They’re saying there needs to be another choice. Well, we offer plenty of choices in American politics. 

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