Red state

WATCH: Burbank Mayor Konstantine Anthony Claims Sexually Graphic ‘Gender Queer’ Book Is Acceptable in Schools

If the last decade has taught us anything politically, it’s that the most incompetent Democrat politicians in the Golden State have an incredible propensity for failing upward. Konstantine Anthony, mayor of Burbank, is no exception. The low-rent Gavin Newsom has been a progressive plant in that once-conservative and family-friendly bastion in the San Fernando Valley. I first got wind of Anthony during my advocacy against California’s AB 5 and for Prop 22. Anthony claimed (he has lots of them) he was an Uber driver and a founding member of the astroturf group Mobile Workers Alliance, championing AB5 and opposing Prop 22. A socialist gadfly, Anthony managed to wedge his way into the Burbank City Council in 2020, was appointed as the city’s mayor in 2022, and a scant few months later announced his candidacy for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in 2024. This is the typical pathway of the progressive Left: make enough noise, get enough attention, and rub shoulders with the right people to get to higher office without actually accomplishing anything.Read More 

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