Despite the drip drip drip of revelations that Joe Biden, as vice president, was indeed directly involved in his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the Cackling Coven of Disney and ABC’s The View initially played dumb then shifted to defending the alleged actions of Hunter and Joe. The faux conservative on the panel even suggested the “good members” of the Republican conference would “never” want to impeach President Biden and it was a “joke” to do so.
Following a soundbite of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) saying there was serious thought being given to opening an impeachment inquiry into the President by Republican leadership, moderator Whoopi Goldberg flaunted her profound ignorance, demanding to know, “What bribery scheme?!”
Goldberg went on to falsely suggest that the only reason people were investigating the Bidens was because Joe won in 2020. “But what is really happening here? I mean, how much punishment does Biden need cause he won and they lost?” she whined.
Then there was the wish casting from co-host Joy Behar that the allegations were not real but rather just a distraction from former President Trump’s alleged crimes:
That’s the problem. They keep seeing these indictments coming down from Trump and they’re like, “What are we going to do? Let’s turn it around and make it about him, about Biden instead.” Take your eyes off Trump, even though he’s a criminal, and put your eyes on this guy instead.
Racist co-host Sunny Hostin agreed but suggested it was a distraction from the Republicans not having a plan to help Americans. She also demanded that Republicans leave President Biden alone because he’s experience pain and loss in his life (Click “expand”):
HOSTIN: You know, when you don’t have a real program as to how you’ll help the American people, you want everyone to look in a different direction except at you, and I think that’s what’s happening.
And I think what is just terrible and Ana said it the other day, they are weaponizing Joe Biden’s son against him. Joe Biden has experienced so much pain and loss. He lost his wife, he lost his little girl. He lost his Beau, and —
BEHAR: His other son.
HOSTIN: His other son Beau and now he has a son who clearly has a drug addiction and that’s why he was offered a diversion program. But it shows no one is above the law so he’s pleading guilty but that still isn’t enough for the Republicans.
Next came the pivot to tacitly admitting that the allegations against Biden were factual, but they weren’t as bad as Trump’s. It was Behar who floated the shift. “It seems they go after Biden’s kid, but Biden’s kid was not in the administration. Trump’s kids were part of the administration,” she argued.
“It’s not as bad as the other side is the point,” Behar admitted after getting in a back and forth with co-host Sara Haines who recalled ABC chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl’s concerns from his June appearance on the show. But Haines did describe an impeachment inquiry as “the House wasting time and money on a fool’s errand.”
Faux-conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin again proved her uselessness in being the counter to the liberal loonies. Despite admitting that Hunter Biden was “50 shades of shady” and that there were “definite examples of influence peddling” and “of making money off of his name,” even admitting “I think that there is corruption,” she insisted that no reasonable Republican in Congress would vote to pursue impeachment of the President.
According to her, the “good members” of the GOP conference would be against the “mistake” of impeachment:
But, I’ll say this, the vast majority of Republicans in Congress do not want to impeach Joe Biden. This is something that a fringe base within the House Republican conference is pushing. It’s a mistake. (…) Vulnerable House Republicans in moderate swing districts, good members like Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania, the last thing they want to do is take a vote on impeaching Joe Biden. He has not done anything that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors! Like, it is a joke that you would impeach Joe Biden!
Yet, while she was arguing against there being an impeachment inquiry to expose the corruption she admitted existed, she blamed Trump for the lack of an in-depth investigation into Hunter Biden. “In any traditional environment, a lot of what Hunter Biden has been involved in would be something that would warrant investigation,” she huffed. “But Donald Trump has just destroyed norms so much and muddied the swamp that there’s always something worse he’s done!”
The View’s double standard and defense of alleged Biden corruption was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Swipper and Colonial Penn. Their contact information is linked.
The transcript si below, click “expand” to read:
ABC’s The View
July 26, 2023
11:02:52 a.m. Eastern
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: What bribery scheme?! I’m sorry. It’s always — it’s so different every day. They’re either freaking out about Barbie or they’re upset about, you know, Budweiser beer —
SARA HAINES: Just Bud Lite. Bud Lite.
GOLDBERG: Bud Lite, okay. That’s right. You don’t want the wrong thing to get out.
But what is really happening here? I mean, how much punishment does Biden need cause he won and they lost?
JOY BEHAR: That’s the problem. They keep seeing these indictments coming down from Trump and they’re like, “What are we going to do? Let’s turn it around and make it about him, about Biden instead.” Take your eyes off Trump, even though he’s a criminal, and put your eyes on this guy instead.
11:04:07 a.m. Eastern
SUNNY HOSTIN: You know, when you don’t have a real program as to how you’ll help the American people, you want everyone to look in a different direction except at you, and I think that’s what’s happening.
And I think what is just terrible and Ana said it the other day, they are weaponizing Joe Biden’s son against him. Joe Biden has experienced so much pain and loss. He lost his wife, he lost his little girl. He lost his Beau, and —
BEHAR: His other son.
HOSTIN: His other son Beau and now he has a son who clearly has a drug addiction and that’s why he was offered a diversion program. But it shows no one is above the law so he’s pleading guilty but that still isn’t enough for the Republicans.
BEHAR: Can I just add one more thing to that? It seems they go after Biden’s kid, but Biden’s kid was not in the administration. Trump’s kids were part of the administration.
11:05:11 a.m. Eastern
HAINES: Jon Karl on here [The View] through, raised some good concerns and he said he’s been flagging this for a while. It wasn’t about him being in the administration it was about him getting a job kind of riding on the laurels for which he had no qualifications.
GOLDBERG: You mean like the last kids too?
HAINES: Yeah, but those – he made – he was paid – I only say this cause I had not read that early into it and Jon Karl is someone that I feel is very reasonable he said he was highly concerned and has been for awhile about —
BEHAR: About what?
HAINES: Hunter Biden’s job.
GOLDBERG: In him getting the job.
HOSTIN: I don’t think Hunter Biden made $640 million –
HAINES: We can keep doing that or I think we can say there’s a general – I’m raising that Jon Karl said there was some concern there and it made me — I do think there’s more there than just weaponizing a son.
BEHAR: It’s not as bad as the other side is the point.
ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: We get into the era about whataboutism which it’s just lowering the bar for what we expect from our leaders.
HOSTIN: We have to be able to compare.
FARAH GRIFFIN: I think – Here’s the thing, Hunter Biden, I think, is 50 shades of shady. We know he’s dealt with addiction. I do not fault him for that. There’s definite examples of influence peddling, of making money off of his name. That happens in politics. It doesn’t make it okay though.
GOLDBERG: No. But what tends to happen, you know, you talk about whataboutism, I’m taking my cue from y’all because all you — all I hear is, you know, this is how — you know, the president, the former president of the United States didn’t pay taxes for how long?
I’m asking for a reason. Because I understand that none of it is good, but if you’re going to flag it, you got to flag it for everybody and that’s —
FARAH GRIFFIN: But that’s exactly the point. I mean, Trump’s broken the law in countless way, the way in which he paid his taxes, unfortunately, is the way our system works which I’m all for reforming that.
GOLDBERG: No, not necessarily. As a person who has seen how this works, that’s not necessarily how it works. And if you’re – My point is, everything you said is right and everything you’re saying is right but if you’re going to flag it and you’re going to do the things that this group is doing, then you have to do it for everybody.
FARAH GRIFFIN: I haven’t gotten to a make a point here. So, I think that there is corruption. I think there’s things that should be looked at. He is pleading guilty to tax crimes today, which is the right thing to do. Unlike the former president, who isn’t pleading guilty knowing that he is guilty.
But, I’ll say this, the vast majority of Republicans in Congress do not want to impeach Joe Biden. This is something that a fringe base within the House Republican conference is pushing. It’s a mistake. Going after Hunter Biden or impeaching Joe Biden does not secure the border, it does not put food on the table, it does not make Americans’ lives easier, and it is a sideshow at this point.
If you don’t like Joe Biden, you’ve got to beat him at the ballot box but, by the way, you won’t do that if you nominate Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.
FARAH GRIFFIN: It’s a sideshow. It will never be taken up in the United States Senate.
HAINES: This is literally the House wasting time and money on a fool’s errand.
FARAH GRIFFIN: Vulnerable House Republicans in moderate swing district, good members like Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania, the last thing they want to do is take a vote on impeaching Joe Biden. He has not done anything that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors! Like, it is a joke that you would impeach Joe Biden!
FARAH GRIFFIN: My biggest fear in the post-Trump or Trump-era is we lower the bar for everything and that’s what I worry about. In any traditional environment, a lot of what Hunter Biden has been involved in would be something that would warrant investigation. If it goes somewhere, it goes somewhere; if it doesn’t end it. But Donald Trump has just destroyed norms so much and muddied the swamp that there’s always something worse he’s done!
Despite the drip drip drip of revelations that Joe Biden, as vice president, was indeed directly involved in his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the Cackling Coven of Disney and ABC’s The View initially played dumb then shifted to defending the alleged actions of Hunter and Joe. The faux conservative on the panel even suggested the “good members” of the Republican conference would “never” want to impeach President Biden and it was a “joke” to do so.
Following a soundbite of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) saying there was serious thought being given to opening an impeachment inquiry into the President by Republican leadership, moderator Whoopi Goldberg flaunted her profound ignorance, demanding to know, “What bribery scheme?!”
Goldberg went on to falsely suggest that the only reason people were investigating the Bidens was because Joe won in 2020. “But what is really happening here? I mean, how much punishment does Biden need cause he won and they lost?” she whined.
Then there was the wish casting from co-host Joy Behar that the allegations were not real but rather just a distraction from former President Trump’s alleged crimes:
That’s the problem. They keep seeing these indictments coming down from Trump and they’re like, “What are we going to do? Let’s turn it around and make it about him, about Biden instead.” Take your eyes off Trump, even though he’s a criminal, and put your eyes on this guy instead.
Racist co-host Sunny Hostin agreed but suggested it was a distraction from the Republicans not having a plan to help Americans. She also demanded that Republicans leave President Biden alone because he’s experience pain and loss in his life (Click “expand”):
HOSTIN: You know, when you don’t have a real program as to how you’ll help the American people, you want everyone to look in a different direction except at you, and I think that’s what’s happening.
And I think what is just terrible and Ana said it the other day, they are weaponizing Joe Biden’s son against him. Joe Biden has experienced so much pain and loss. He lost his wife, he lost his little girl. He lost his Beau, and —
BEHAR: His other son.
HOSTIN: His other son Beau and now he has a son who clearly has a drug addiction and that’s why he was offered a diversion program. But it shows no one is above the law so he’s pleading guilty but that still isn’t enough for the Republicans.
Next came the pivot to tacitly admitting that the allegations against Biden were factual, but they weren’t as bad as Trump’s. It was Behar who floated the shift. “It seems they go after Biden’s kid, but Biden’s kid was not in the administration. Trump’s kids were part of the administration,” she argued.
“It’s not as bad as the other side is the point,” Behar admitted after getting in a back and forth with co-host Sara Haines who recalled ABC chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl’s concerns from his June appearance on the show. But Haines did describe an impeachment inquiry as “the House wasting time and money on a fool’s errand.”
Faux-conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin again proved her uselessness in being the counter to the liberal loonies. Despite admitting that Hunter Biden was “50 shades of shady” and that there were “definite examples of influence peddling” and “of making money off of his name,” even admitting “I think that there is corruption,” she insisted that no reasonable Republican in Congress would vote to pursue impeachment of the President.
According to her, the “good members” of the GOP conference would be against the “mistake” of impeachment:
But, I’ll say this, the vast majority of Republicans in Congress do not want to impeach Joe Biden. This is something that a fringe base within the House Republican conference is pushing. It’s a mistake. (…) Vulnerable House Republicans in moderate swing districts, good members like Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania, the last thing they want to do is take a vote on impeaching Joe Biden. He has not done anything that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors! Like, it is a joke that you would impeach Joe Biden!
Yet, while she was arguing against there being an impeachment inquiry to expose the corruption she admitted existed, she blamed Trump for the lack of an in-depth investigation into Hunter Biden. “In any traditional environment, a lot of what Hunter Biden has been involved in would be something that would warrant investigation,” she huffed. “But Donald Trump has just destroyed norms so much and muddied the swamp that there’s always something worse he’s done!”
The View’s double standard and defense of alleged Biden corruption was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Swipper and Colonial Penn. Their contact information is linked.
The transcript si below, click “expand” to read:
ABC’s The View
July 26, 2023
11:02:52 a.m. Eastern
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: What bribery scheme?! I’m sorry. It’s always — it’s so different every day. They’re either freaking out about Barbie or they’re upset about, you know, Budweiser beer —
SARA HAINES: Just Bud Lite. Bud Lite.
GOLDBERG: Bud Lite, okay. That’s right. You don’t want the wrong thing to get out.
But what is really happening here? I mean, how much punishment does Biden need cause he won and they lost?
JOY BEHAR: That’s the problem. They keep seeing these indictments coming down from Trump and they’re like, “What are we going to do? Let’s turn it around and make it about him, about Biden instead.” Take your eyes off Trump, even though he’s a criminal, and put your eyes on this guy instead.
11:04:07 a.m. Eastern
SUNNY HOSTIN: You know, when you don’t have a real program as to how you’ll help the American people, you want everyone to look in a different direction except at you, and I think that’s what’s happening.
And I think what is just terrible and Ana said it the other day, they are weaponizing Joe Biden’s son against him. Joe Biden has experienced so much pain and loss. He lost his wife, he lost his little girl. He lost his Beau, and —
BEHAR: His other son.
HOSTIN: His other son Beau and now he has a son who clearly has a drug addiction and that’s why he was offered a diversion program. But it shows no one is above the law so he’s pleading guilty but that still isn’t enough for the Republicans.
BEHAR: Can I just add one more thing to that? It seems they go after Biden’s kid, but Biden’s kid was not in the administration. Trump’s kids were part of the administration.
11:05:11 a.m. Eastern
HAINES: Jon Karl on here [The View] through, raised some good concerns and he said he’s been flagging this for a while. It wasn’t about him being in the administration it was about him getting a job kind of riding on the laurels for which he had no qualifications.
GOLDBERG: You mean like the last kids too?
HAINES: Yeah, but those – he made – he was paid – I only say this cause I had not read that early into it and Jon Karl is someone that I feel is very reasonable he said he was highly concerned and has been for awhile about —
BEHAR: About what?
HAINES: Hunter Biden’s job.
GOLDBERG: In him getting the job.
HOSTIN: I don’t think Hunter Biden made $640 million –
HAINES: We can keep doing that or I think we can say there’s a general – I’m raising that Jon Karl said there was some concern there and it made me — I do think there’s more there than just weaponizing a son.
BEHAR: It’s not as bad as the other side is the point.
ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: We get into the era about whataboutism which it’s just lowering the bar for what we expect from our leaders.
HOSTIN: We have to be able to compare.
FARAH GRIFFIN: I think – Here’s the thing, Hunter Biden, I think, is 50 shades of shady. We know he’s dealt with addiction. I do not fault him for that. There’s definite examples of influence peddling, of making money off of his name. That happens in politics. It doesn’t make it okay though.
GOLDBERG: No. But what tends to happen, you know, you talk about whataboutism, I’m taking my cue from y’all because all you — all I hear is, you know, this is how — you know, the president, the former president of the United States didn’t pay taxes for how long?
I’m asking for a reason. Because I understand that none of it is good, but if you’re going to flag it, you got to flag it for everybody and that’s —
FARAH GRIFFIN: But that’s exactly the point. I mean, Trump’s broken the law in countless way, the way in which he paid his taxes, unfortunately, is the way our system works which I’m all for reforming that.
GOLDBERG: No, not necessarily. As a person who has seen how this works, that’s not necessarily how it works. And if you’re – My point is, everything you said is right and everything you’re saying is right but if you’re going to flag it and you’re going to do the things that this group is doing, then you have to do it for everybody.
FARAH GRIFFIN: I haven’t gotten to a make a point here. So, I think that there is corruption. I think there’s things that should be looked at. He is pleading guilty to tax crimes today, which is the right thing to do. Unlike the former president, who isn’t pleading guilty knowing that he is guilty.
But, I’ll say this, the vast majority of Republicans in Congress do not want to impeach Joe Biden. This is something that a fringe base within the House Republican conference is pushing. It’s a mistake. Going after Hunter Biden or impeaching Joe Biden does not secure the border, it does not put food on the table, it does not make Americans’ lives easier, and it is a sideshow at this point.
If you don’t like Joe Biden, you’ve got to beat him at the ballot box but, by the way, you won’t do that if you nominate Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.
FARAH GRIFFIN: It’s a sideshow. It will never be taken up in the United States Senate.
HAINES: This is literally the House wasting time and money on a fool’s errand.
FARAH GRIFFIN: Vulnerable House Republicans in moderate swing district, good members like Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania, the last thing they want to do is take a vote on impeaching Joe Biden. He has not done anything that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors! Like, it is a joke that you would impeach Joe Biden!
FARAH GRIFFIN: My biggest fear in the post-Trump or Trump-era is we lower the bar for everything and that’s what I worry about. In any traditional environment, a lot of what Hunter Biden has been involved in would be something that would warrant investigation. If it goes somewhere, it goes somewhere; if it doesn’t end it. But Donald Trump has just destroyed norms so much and muddied the swamp that there’s always something worse he’s done!