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Medical schools have become infected by radical leftism

This is one issue that I’ve been wrestling with here for several years now. For the longest time, Americans grew used to placing their trust in the medical profession. When you ran into a health problem, you went to see a doctor or perhaps get checked in at a hospital. While not all care is equal, actual doctors were assumed to know a lot more than the layman and were bound by a professional code of ethics to “do the right thing” and to “first do no harm.” They were far more trusted than politicians and for good reason. But lately, things have changed. We’re seeing doctors increasingly engage in actions and policies that are clearly unscientific and in some cases patently dangerous. This is most obvious in the field of “gender-affirming care,” but it also cropped up during the response to the COVID pandemic. So how did things reach this point? At National Review, Mark Antonio Wright may have struck on at least part of the answer. The curriculum at many medical schools has been quietly changing and adopting new policies that are drawn straight from the political leftist playbook rather than the results of verifiable medical studies. Harvard Medical School is cited as one prominent example, but there are many others.Read More 

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