Red state

The New York Times Insists It’s Only a Song When It Urges Killing White South Africans

The New York Times, also known as those wonderful people who brought you Walter Duranty and his minor omission while slobbering over Joseph Stalin in the 1930s of mentioning how Stalin was systematically mass murdering four million Ukrainians via forced starvation, has come up with another pearl of wisdom for we the peasantry. Did you know that when a radical South African political group demanding the country’s white farmers give up their land by any means necessary, including murder, sings a song at their rallies featuring “Kill the Boer,” Boer meaning any white person living in South Africa, they don’t literally mean it? It’s only a line in a song, you see. No big. Nothing literal. How can it be when some other songs aren’t literal?Read More 

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