All that was missing was Rush Limbaugh’s famous Al Gore Armageddon Clock!
Jake Tapper has obviously bought into Al Gore’s doomsday view of climate change. On CNN’s State of the Union today, Tapper introduced Gore by saying:
“The world’s climate nears a breaking point.”
For alarmists like Gore, and followers like Tapper, that breaking point has always been right around the corner—but never manages to arrive.
Take, for example, Gore proclaiming at the Copenhagen Climate Conference back in 2009 that there was “a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.” That didn’t happen in 2016, and it hasn’t happened yet.
Tapper went full Algore, suggesting that anyone who doesn’t support phasing out all fossil fuels is like an arsonist:
The president of the summit is the CEO of a state-run oil company who recently said there’s no science to support phasing out fossil fuels. That’s obviously not true. This all feels like having an arsonist host a fire prevention seminar. Do you have any hope that something substantive can actually come out of this?
Alarmists like Gore and Tapper don’t admit that eliminating fossil fuels would spell worldwide economic collapse, with the poor bearing the greatest burden.
There was some unintentional humor: Gore said that there is a mental health crisis among young people because they’re so upset that the climate crisis is not being solved.
Right! Anyone who believes alarmists like Gore and Greta Thunberg is bound to be depressed!
Tapper also teed Gore up to describe how horrible things would be for the climate and democracy if Trump were elected. “I’m wondering what you think the world would look like under President Trump being re-elected, which is certainly a possibility, not only when it comes to the climate, but also when it comes to democracy.”
Here’s the transcript.
State of the Union
9:34 am ET
JAKE TAPPER: Welcome back to State of the Union. I’m Jake Tapper. As the world’s climate nears a breaking point, world leaders are in the UAE, of all places, trying to hammer out an agreement to stop rising temperatures.
Experts insist you cannot do that without phasing out fossil fuels, but oil-producing nations are pushing back strongly on that, including host of the climate conference.
And joining me now is former Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore, thankso much for joining us. You were just with world leaders as at the COP28 climate summit, being hosted by the UAE< of the biggest oil producing countries in the world. The president of the summit is the CEO of a state-run oil company who recently said there’s no science to support phasing out fossil fuels. That’s obviously not true. This all feels like having an arsonist host a fire prevention seminar. Do you have any hope that something substantive can actually come out of this?
AL GORE: Well, Jake, they’ve overreached. The fossil fuel industry has sought to control and manipulate this process for a long time. They’re way better at capturing politicians than capturing emissions. but they’ve gone too far, and I think that it could possibly end up as a kind of blessing in disguise because it is awakened a lot of people to how absurd this situation is.
. . .
TAPPER: It does look like a — the 2024 election will come down to President Biden versus former President Trump. And I’m wondering what you think the world would look like under President Trump being re-elected, which is certainly a possibility, not only when it comes to the climate, but also when it comes to democracy.
GORE: Well, I saw the other day where he pledged to be a dictator on day one. And you kind of wonder, what it will take for people to believe him when he tells us who he is. And, you know, the solution to political despair is political action. And for those in the Republican party and the Democratic party, and independents who love American democracy, and who want to preserve our capacity to govern ourselves and solve our problems, now’s the time to get active.
You know, there’s a, there’s a mental health crisis around the world, Jake, that we hear people talking about. I think that one of the main reasons for that is that young people look at the fact that we are not yet solving the climate crisis, or dealing with some of these other challenges, and we here this word thrown around, polycrisis.
Well, solving the climate crisis is a polysolution! We know what we need to do. We have the means to do it. And we have to make sure that we make the right political choices in our democracy to enable ourselves to make the right choices.